O Nanak, if it pleases the Saint, even then, he may be saved. ||2||
The slanderer of the Saint is the worst evil-doer.
The slanderer of the Saint has not even a moment's rest.
The slanderer of the Saint is a brutal butcher.
The slanderer of the Saint is cursed by the Transcendent Lord.
The slanderer of the Saint has no kingdom.
The slanderer of the Saint becomes miserable and poor.
The slanderer of the Saint contracts all diseases.
The slanderer of the Saint is forever separated.
To slander a Saint is the worst sin of sins.
O Nanak, if it pleases the Saint, then even this one may be liberated. ||3||
The slanderer of the Saint is forever impure.
The slanderer of the Saint is nobody's friend.
The slanderer of the Saint shall be punished.
The slanderer of the Saint is abandoned by all.
The slanderer of the Saint is totally egocentric.
The slanderer of the Saint is forever corrupt.
The slanderer of the Saint must endure birth and death.
The slanderer of the Saint is devoid of peace.
The slanderer of the Saint has no place of rest.
O Nanak, if it pleases the Saint, then even such a one may merge in union. ||4||
The slanderer of the Saint breaks down mid-way.
The slanderer of the Saint cannot accomplish his tasks.
The slanderer of the Saint wanders in the wilderness.
The slanderer of the Saint is misled into desolation.
The slanderer of the Saint is empty inside,
like the corpse of a dead man, without the breath of life.
The slanderer of the Saint has no heritage at all.
He himself must eat what he has planted.
The slanderer of the Saint cannot be saved by anyone else.
O Nanak, if it pleases the Saint, then even he may be saved. ||5||
The slanderer of the Saint bewails like this
like a fish, out of water, writhing in agony.
The slanderer of the Saint is hungry and is never satisfied,
as fire is not satisfied by fuel.
The slanderer of the Saint is left all alone,
like the miserable barren sesame stalk abandoned in the field.
The slanderer of the Saint is devoid of faith.
The slanderer of the Saint constantly lies.
The fate of the slanderer is pre-ordained from the very beginning of time.
O Nanak, whatever pleases God's Will comes to pass. ||6||
The slanderer of the Saint becomes deformed.
The slanderer of the Saint receives his punishment in the Court of the Lord.
The slanderer of the Saint is eternally in limbo.
He does not die, but he does not live either.
The hopes of the slanderer of the Saint are not fulfilled.
The slanderer of the Saint departs disappointed.
Slandering the Saint, no one attains satisfaction.
As it pleases the Lord, so do people become;
no one can erase their past actions.
O Nanak, the True Lord alone knows all. ||7||
All hearts are His; He is the Creator.
Forever and ever, I bow to Him in reverence.
Praise God, day and night.
Meditate on Him with every breath and morsel of food.
Everything happens as He wills.
As He wills, so people become.
He Himself is the play, and He Himself is the actor.
Who else can speak or deliberate upon this?