In all places, You are the One and Only. As it pleases You, Lord, please save and protect me!
Through the Guru's Teachings, the True One abides within the mind. The Companionship of the Naam brings the most excellent honor.
Eradicate the disease of egotism, and chant the True Shabad, the Word of the True Lord. ||8||
You are pervading throughout the Akaashic Ethers, the nether regions and the three worlds.
You Yourself are bhakti, loving devotional worship. You Yourself unite us in Union with Yourself.
O Nanak, may I never forget the Naam! As is Your Pleasure, so is Your Will. ||9||13||
Siree Raag, First Mehl:
My mind is pierced through by the Name of the Lord. What else should I contemplate?
Focusing your awareness on the Shabad, happiness wells up. Attuned to God, the most excellent peace is found.
As it pleases You, please save me, Lord. The Name of the Lord is my Support. ||1||
O mind, the Will of our Lord and Master is true.
Focus your love upon the One who created and adorned your body and mind. ||1||Pause||
If I cut my body into pieces, and burn them in the fire,
and if I make my body and mind into firewood, and night and day burn them in the fire,
and if I perform hundreds of thousands and millions of religious rituals-still, all these are not equal to the Name of the Lord. ||2||
If my body were cut in half, if a saw was put to my head,
and if my body were frozen in the Himalayas-even then, my mind would not be free of disease.
None of these are equal to the Name of the Lord. I have seen and tried and tested them all. ||3||
If I made a donation of castles of gold, and gave lots of fine horses and wondrous elephants in charity,
and if I made donations of land and cows-even then, pride and ego would still be within me.
The Name of the Lord has pierced my mind; the Guru has given me this true gift. ||4||
There are so many stubborn-minded intelligent people, and so many who contemplate the Vedas.
There are so many entanglements for the soul. Only as Gurmukh do we find the Gate of Liberation.
Truth is higher than everything; but higher still is truthful living. ||5||
Call everyone exalted; no one seems lowly.
The One Lord has fashioned the vessels, and His One Light pervades the three worlds.
Receiving His Grace, we obtain Truth. No one can erase His Primal Blessing. ||6||
When one Holy person meets another Holy person, they abide in contentment, through the Love of the Guru.
They contemplate the Unspoken Speech, merging in absorption in the True Guru.
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, they are contented; they go to the Court of the Lord in robes of honor. ||7||
In each and every heart the Music of the Lord's Flute vibrates, night and day, with sublime love for the Shabad.
Only those few who become Gurmukh understand this by instructing their minds.
O Nanak, do not forget the Naam. Practicing the Shabad you shall be saved. ||8||14||
Siree Raag, First Mehl:
There are painted mansions to behold, white-washed, with beautiful doors;
they were constructed to give pleasure to the mind, but this is only for the sake of the love of duality.
The inner being is empty without love. The body shall crumble into a heap of ashes. ||1||
O Siblings of Destiny, this body and wealth shall not go along with you.
The Lord's Name is the pure wealth; through the Guru, God bestows this gift. ||1||Pause||
The Lord's Name is the pure wealth; it is given only by the Giver.
One who has the Guru, the Creator, as his Friend, shall not be questioned hereafter.
He Himself delivers those who are delivered. He Himself is the Forgiver. ||2||