I have no other spiritual wisdom, meditation or worship; the Name of the Lord alone dwells deep within me.
I know nothing about religious robes, pilgrimages or stubborn fanaticism; O Nanak, I hold tight to the Truth. ||1||
The night is beautiful, drenched with dew, and the day is delightful,
when her Husband Lord wakes the sleeping soul-bride, in the home of the self.
The young bride has awakened to the Word of the Shabad; she is pleasing to her Husband Lord.
So renounce falsehood, fraud, love of duality and working for people.
The Name of the Lord is my necklace, and I am anointed with the True Shabad.
With his palms pressed together, Nanak begs for the gift of the True Name; please, bless me with Your Grace, through the pleasure of Your Will. ||2||
Awake, O bride of splendored eyes, and chant the Word of the Guru's Bani.
Listen, and place your faith in the Unspoken Speech of the Lord.
The Unspoken Speech, the state of Nirvaanaa - how rare is the Gurmukh who understands this.
Merging in the Word of the Shabad, self-conceit is eradicated, and the three worlds are revealed to her understanding.
Remaining detached, with infinity infusing, the true mind cherishes the virtues of the Lord.
He is fully pervading and permeating all places; Nanak has enshrined Him within his heart. ||3||
The Lord is calling you to the Mansion of His Presence; O soul-bride, He is the Lover of His devotees.
Following the Guru's Teachings, your mind shall be delighted, and your body shall be fulfilled.
Conquer and subdue your mind, and love the Word of the Shabad; reform yourself, and realize the Lord of the three worlds.
Her mind shall not waver or wander anywhere else, when she comes to know her Husband Lord.
You are my only Support, You are my Lord and Master. You are my strength and anchor.
She is forever truthful and pure, O Nanak; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, conflicts are resolved. ||4||2||
Chhant, Bilaaval, Fourth Mehl, Mangal ~ The Song Of Joy:
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
My Lord God has come to my bed, and my mind is merged with the Lord.
As it pleases the Guru, I have found the Lord God, and I revel and delight in His Love.
Very fortunate are those happy soul-brides, who have the jewel of the Naam upon their foreheads.
The Lord, the Lord God, is Nanak's Husband Lord, pleasing to his mind. ||1||
The Lord is the honor of the dishonored. The Lord, the Lord God is Himself by Himself.
The Gurmukh eradicates self-conceit, and constantly chants the Name of the Lord.
My Lord God does whatever He pleases; the Lord imbues mortal beings with the color of His Love.
Servant Nanak is easily merged into the Celestial Lord. He is satisfied with the sublime essence of the Lord. ||2||
The Lord is found only through this human incarnation. This is the time to contemplate the Lord.
As Gurmukhs, the happy soul-brides meet Him, and their love for Him is abundant.
Those who have not attained human incarnation, are cursed by evil destiny.
O Lord, God, Har, Har, Har, Har, save Nanak; he is Your humble servant. ||3||
The Guru has implanted within me the Name of the Inaccessible Lord God; my mind and body are drenched with the Lord's Love.