Through loving service, the Gurmukhs receive the wealth of the Naam, but the unfortunate ones cannot receive it. This wealth is not found anywhere else, in this country or in any other. ||8||
Salok, Third Mehl:
The Gurmukh does not have an iota of skepticism or doubt; worries depart from within him.
Whatever he does, he does with grace and poise. Nothing else can be said about him.
O Nanak, the Lord Himself hears the speech of those whom He makes His own. ||1||
Third Mehl:
He conquers death, and subdues the desires of his mind; the Immaculate Name abides deep within him.
Night and day, he remains awake and aware; he never sleeps, and he intuitively drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar.
His speech is sweet, and his words are nectar; night and day, he sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
He dwells in the home of his own self, and appears beautiful forever; meeting him, Nanak finds peace. ||2||
The wealth of the Lord is a jewel, a gem; the Guru has caused the Lord to grant that wealth of the Lord.
If someone sees something, he may ask for it; or, someone may cause it to be given to him. But no one can take a share of this wealth of the Lord by force.
He alone obtains a share of the wealth of the Lord, who is blessed by the Creator with faith and devotion to the True Guru, according to his pre-ordained destiny.
No one is a share-holder in this wealth of the Lord, and no one owns any of it. It has no boundaries or borders to be disputed. If anyone speaks ill of the wealth of the Lord, his face will be blackened in the four directions.
No one's power or slander can prevail against the gifts of the Lord; day by day they continually, continuously increase. ||9||
Salok, Third Mehl:
The world is going up in flames - shower it with Your Mercy, and save it!
Save it, and deliver it, by whatever method it takes.
The True Guru has shown the way to peace, contemplating the True Word of the Shabad.
Nanak knows no other than the Lord, the Forgiving Lord. ||1||
Third Mehl:
Through egotism, fascination with Maya has trapped them in duality.
It cannot be killed, it does not die, and it cannot be sold in a store.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is burnt away, and then it departs from within.
The body and mind become pure, and the Naam, the Name of the Lord, comes to dwell within the mind.
O Nanak, the Shabad is the killer of Maya; the Gurmukh obtains it. ||2||
The glorious greatness of the True Guru was bestowed by the True Guru; He understood this as the Insignia, the Mark of the Primal Lord's Will.
He tested His sons, nephews, sons-in-law and relatives, and subdued the egotistical pride of them all.
Wherever anyone looks, my True Guru is there; the Lord blessed Him with the whole world.
One who meets with, and believes in the True Guru, is embellished here and hereafter. Whoever turns his back on the Guru and becomes baymukh, shall wander in cursed and evil places.