Just as the desire of a miser for money is never satiated, so are the eyes of a Sikh of the Guru who have realised that the form of True Guru is a unique treasure seeing which one never feels satisfied.
Just as hunger of a pauper is never satiated, so are the ears of a Gursikh which are ever desirous of hearing the ambrosial words of the True Guru. And yet hearing those elixir-like words, the thirst of his consciousness is not quenched.
The tongue of a Gursikh keeps recalling the prime traits of the True Guru and like a rain-bird who keeps shouting for more, it is never satiated.
The inner self of a Sikh is getting enlightened with blissful light through seeing, hearing and uttering of the wondrous form of True Guru-a treasure-house-nay the fountain-head of all the virtues. Yet the thirst and hunger of such a Gursikh never wanes.