Kabit Savaiye Bhai Gurdas Ji

Page - 85

ਚਰਨ ਸਰਨਿ ਗੁਰ ਭਈ ਨਿਹਚਲ ਮਤਿ ਮਨ ਉਨਮਨ ਲਿਵ ਸਹਜ ਸਮਾਏ ਹੈ ।
charan saran gur bhee nihachal mat man unaman liv sahaj samaae hai |

In the refuge of Satguru the intellect becomes stable. The mind attaches itself with state divine and rests in equipoise.

ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਦਰਸ ਅਰੁ ਸਬਦ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਮਿਲਿ ਪਰਮਦਭੁਤ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਨੇਮ ਉਪਜਾਏ ਹੈ ।
drisatt daras ar sabad surat mil paramadabhut prem nem upajaae hai |

With the mind engrossing into the teachings of Satguru and divine word residing for ever in the memory, astonishing loving devotion is generated.

ਗੁਰਸਿਖ ਸਾਧਸੰਗ ਰੰਗ ਹੁਇ ਤੰਬੋਲ ਰਸ ਪਾਰਸ ਪਰਸਿ ਧਾਤੁ ਕੰਚਨ ਦਿਖਾਏ ਹੈ ।
gurasikh saadhasang rang hue tanbol ras paaras paras dhaat kanchan dikhaae hai |

In the company of devoted, slave Sikhs, noble and pious persons, one gets dyed in the hue of colour as beetle leaf, beetle nut, lime, cardamom and catechu mix together to become red beside giving pleasant smell. As other metals become gold when touched wi

ਚੰਦਨ ਸੁਗੰਧ ਸੰਧ ਬਾਸਨਾ ਸੁਬਾਸ ਤਾਸ ਅਕਥ ਕਥਾ ਬਿਨੋਦ ਕਹਤ ਨ ਆਏ ਹੈ ।੮੫।
chandan sugandh sandh baasanaa subaas taas akath kathaa binod kahat na aae hai |85|

As the fragrance of sandalwood makes other trees equally fragrant, so does the touch of the holy feet, a glimpse of the True Guru, and with' the union of the divine word and the conscious mind; the company of pious and noble persons, fragrance blossoms. T

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