Kabit Savaiye Bhai Gurdas Ji

Page - 232

ਰਚਨਾ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰ ਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਬਿਸਮ ਬਚਿਤ੍ਰਪਨ ਏਕ ਮੈ ਅਨੇਕ ਭਾਂਤਿ ਅਨਿਕ ਪ੍ਰਕਾਰ ਹੈ ।
rachanaa charitr chitr bisam bachitrapan ek mai anek bhaant anik prakaar hai |

The picture of miraculous creation of the Lord is full of astonishment and wonder. How has He spread such countless variations and diversities in this one picture?

ਲੋਚਨ ਮੈ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਸ੍ਰਵਨ ਮੈ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਰਾਖੀ ਨਾਸਕਾ ਸੁਬਾਸ ਰਸ ਰਸਨਾ ਉਚਾਰ ਹੈ ।
lochan mai drisatt sravan mai surat raakhee naasakaa subaas ras rasanaa uchaar hai |

He has filled energy in the eyes to see, in the ears to hear, in the nostrils to smell and in the tongue to taste and relish.

ਅੰਤਰ ਹੀ ਅੰਤਰ ਨਿਰੰਤਰੀਨ ਸੋਤ੍ਰਨ ਮੈ ਕਾਹੂ ਕੀ ਨ ਕੋਊ ਜਾਨੈ ਬਿਖਮ ਬੀਚਾਰ ਹੈ ।
antar hee antar nirantareen sotran mai kaahoo kee na koaoo jaanai bikham beechaar hai |

What is difficult to understand is that each of these senses has so much difference in them that one does not know how the other is engaged.

ਅਗਮ ਚਰਿਤ੍ਰ ਚਿਤ੍ਰ ਜਾਨੀਐ ਚਿਤੇਰੋ ਕੈਸੋ ਨੇਤ ਨੇਤ ਨੇਤ ਨਮੋ ਨਮੋ ਨਮਸਕਾਰਿ ਹੈ ।੨੩੨।
agam charitr chitr jaaneeai chitero kaiso net net net namo namo namasakaar hai |232|

The picture of creation of the Lord that is beyond comprehension, how can then its creator and His creation be understood? He is limitless, infinite in all the three periods and is worthy of salutations repeatedly. (232)

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