Kabit Savaiye Bhai Gurdas Ji

Page - 421

ਕੋਟਨਿ ਕੋਟਾਨਿ ਮਨਿ ਕੋ ਚਮਤਕਾਰ ਵਾਰਉ ਸਸੀਅਰ ਸੂਰ ਕੋਟ ਕੋਟਨਿ ਪ੍ਰਗਾਸ ਜੀ ।
kottan kottaan man ko chamatakaar vaarau saseear soor kott kottan pragaas jee |

Shine of millions and millions of gems and pearls, light of countless Suns and Moons, are paltry and worthy of sacrifice over the obedient Sikh whose forehead is able to kiss the dust of the feet of the True Guru.

ਕੋਟਨਿ ਕੋਟਾਨਿ ਭਾਗਿ ਪੂਰਨ ਪ੍ਰਤਾਪ ਛਬਿ ਜਗਿਮਗਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਹੈ ਸੁਜਸ ਨਿਵਾਸ ਜੀ ।
kottan kottaan bhaag pooran prataap chhab jagimag jot hai sujas nivaas jee |

The glory of millions of fortunate people and the glow of supreme honour is trivial before the beautiful sheen of the forehead that has acquired the dust of the feet of the True Guru.

ਸਿਵ ਸਨਕਾਦਿ ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾਦਿਕ ਮਨੋਰਥ ਕੈ ਤੀਰਥ ਕੋਟਾਨਿ ਕੋਟ ਬਾਛਤ ਹੈ ਤਾਸ ਜੀ ।
siv sanakaad brahamaadik manorath kai teerath kottaan kott baachhat hai taas jee |

Shiv Ji, the four sons of Brahma (Sanak etc.), Brahma himself, that is the three prime gods of Hindu pantheon crave for the glorious dust of the True Guru's feet. Countless places of pilgrimage also long for this dust.

ਮਸਤਕਿ ਦਰਸਨ ਸੋਭਾ ਕੋ ਮਹਾਤਮ ਅਗਾਧਿ ਬੋਧ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਗੁਰ ਚਰਨ ਰਜ ਮਾਤ੍ਰ ਲਾਗੈ ਜਾਸ ਜੀ ।੪੨੧।
masatak darasan sobhaa ko mahaatam agaadh bodh sree gur charan raj maatr laagai jaas jee |421|

The forehead that acquires a small amount of dust of the lotus feet of the True Guru, the glory of his glimpse is beyond description. (421)

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