The Lord whose name is Ajoni (who is never born), how could He have taken birth. And on what reason has the foolish people fixed the Janam Ashtami (the birthday of Krishan Ji) as a day of fasting?
The Lord whose name is Akal (beyond times), Eternal and who is the life-support of the whole world, how could a hunter had killed Him in the form of Krishan and earned infamy?
The Lord whose name makes a person do good, whose name frees a person from all vices, who is emancipator, how could He be the Master of milkmaids in the form of Krishan and make them suffer in His separation?
Those who are bereft of the initiation of True Guru, support ignorant mind in them. Such ignorants and blind people create the idols of the Life-giving, Imperishable, Timeless and Blemishless Lord reducing Him into gods and then become their followers and