Kabit Savaiye Bhai Gurdas Ji

Page - 93

ਸਰਿਤਾ ਸਰੋਵਰ ਸਲਿਲ ਮਿਲ ਏਕ ਭਏ ਏਕ ਮੈ ਅਨੇਕ ਹੋਤ ਕੈਸੇ ਨਿਰਵਾਰੋ ਜੀ ।
saritaa sarovar salil mil ek bhe ek mai anek hot kaise niravaaro jee |

When the water of river and lake meet, they become indistinguishable. Then how can they be disintegrated into their earlier form when they have become one?

ਪਾਨ ਚੂਨਾ ਕਾਥਾ ਸੁਪਾਰੀ ਖਾਏ ਸੁਰੰਗ ਭਏ ਬਹੁਰਿ ਨ ਚਤੁਰ ਬਰਨ ਬਿਸਥਾਰੋ ਜੀ ।
paan choonaa kaathaa supaaree khaae surang bhe bahur na chatur baran bisathaaro jee |

Chewing beetle leaf, catechu, lime and beetle nut produces deep red colour. But then none of these ingredients can be separated from that red colour.

ਪਾਰਸ ਪਰਤਿ ਹੋਤ ਕਨਿਕ ਅਨਿਕ ਧਾਤ ਕਨਿਕ ਮੈ ਅਨਿਕ ਨ ਹੋਤ ਗੋਤਾਚਾਰੋ ਜੀ ।
paaras parat hot kanik anik dhaat kanik mai anik na hot gotaachaaro jee |

Many metals turn into gold by a touch of the philosopher-stone. Thereafter they cannot revert back to their original form.

ਚੰਦਨ ਸੁਬਾਸੁ ਕੈ ਸੁਬਾਸਨਾ ਬਨਾਸਪਤੀ ਭਗਤ ਜਗਤ ਪਤਿ ਬਿਸਮ ਬੀਚਾਰੋ ਜੀ ।੯੩।
chandan subaas kai subaasanaa banaasapatee bhagat jagat pat bisam beechaaro jee |93|

The sandalwood tree imparts fragrance to all the other trees around it. That fragrance cannot then be taken away from them. Similarly the union of the Lord and his devotees is a very strange and astonishing tale. They become one and there is no duality le

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