Ghazals Bhai Nand Lal Ji

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ਤਬੀਬ ਆਸ਼ਿਕਿ ਬੇਦਰਦ ਰਾ ਦਵਾ ਚਿ ਕੁਨਦ ।
tabeeb aashik bedarad raa davaa chi kunad |

It would be a great sin if my mind still desires to have pearls and thrones." (31) (2) If a chemist can convert copper into gold, then it is not impossible for The heavenly pond to convert one grain of its soil into a radiant sun. (31) (3) If you can meet the Providence, consider it as a miracle; In fact, search for Him is the highst prize for his seekers. (31) (4) Anyone who listens to the poetry of Goyaa with his heart and soul, He will not then care for the gems and pearls in a jewelers shop. (31) (5) A sugar bubble is no match to the beauty and touch of your closed lips, This is not a cliché. It is the truth unsurpassed. This is the best example that I can present here. (32) (1) If You are yearning for a meeting with Him, then get used to 'separation', Separation is the only guide. If there is no one to steer your way, how can you ever reach your destination? (32) (2) Do not let go the hem of the (hands of) eyelids just as the eyelids are holding on to the eyes until, Your pocket of wishes is not filled with diamonds and pearls. (32) (3) The branch (of the tree) of hope of a lover never blossoms unless It receives irrigation from the drops of water (tears) of the eyelids. (32) (4) O you dunce Goyaa! Why are you engaging in useless talk? Do not brag about your love for him, the Guru, Because, only those who have already had their heads severed from their bodies are entitled to tread this path. (32) (5) The aroma of spring flowers of Holi festival makes the whole garden, the world, full of special fragrance. And gave the blossoming bud-like lips a pleasant disposition. (33) (1) The Akaalpurakh spread the roses, the sky, the fragrance of musk and sandalwood all over like the raindrops. (33) (2) How beautiful and effective is a saffron filled squirt pump? That it converts even the discolored and the ugly into colorful and aromatic. (33) (3) With the throwing of powdered red color by his holy hands on me It made both the earth and the heaven all crimsen colored for me. (33 ) (4) With His grace, both the worlds began to bathe in colorful dispositions, When he put shiny clothes suitable for only rich people on my neck. (33) (5) Anyone who was fortunate to get a sacred glimpse of Him, the Guru, Take it that he, surely, was able to fulfill his lifelong desire. (33) (6) Goyaa says, "If I could sacrifice myself for the dust of the path traversed by noble souls,

ਤੁਰਾ ਕਿ ਪਾਏ ਬਵਦ ਲੰਗ ਰਹਿਨੁਮਾ ਚਿ ਕੁਨਦ ।੨੦।੧।
turaa ki paae bavad lang rahinumaa chi kunad |20|1|

This is all that I have wished and persevered all my life. My life's ambition would be fulfilled." (33) (7) A musical description of the Master's great qualities and kudos is very savory to the tongue of a human being, How palatable is it when His Naam is recited through the mouth of a human being? (34) (1) Wonderful! How beautiful is the dimple in your chin that is red and white like an apple? Where can one find such a sweet and tasty fruit in the garden? (34) (2) My eyes have light only because they can see your glimpse, In your glimpse, there is enormous comfort; that is why I am willing to sacrifice myself for it." (34) (3)

ਜਮਾਲਿ ਊ ਹਮਾ ਜਾ ਬੇ-ਹਿਸਾਬ ਜਲਵਾਗਰ ਅਸਤ ।
jamaal aoo hamaa jaa be-hisaab jalavaagar asat |

The scented locks of your hair have captivated my mind and soul,

ਤੂ ਦਰ ਹਿਜਾਬਿ ਖ਼ੁਦੀ ਯਾਰ ਮਹਿ ਲਕਾ ਕਿ ਕੁਨਦ ।੨੦।੨।
too dar hijaab khudee yaar meh lakaa ki kunad |20|2|

And it is hanging near your ruby red lips. It is so sensuous and relishable. (34) (4)

ਤੁਰਾ ਕਿ ਨੀਸਤ ਬਯੱਕ ਗੂਨਾ ਖ਼ਾਤਿਰਿ ਮਜਮੂਅ ।
turaa ki neesat bayak goonaa khaatir majamooa |

O Goyaa! There is no other larger pleasure or sweeter,

ਮੁਕਾਮਿ ਅਮਨੋ ਖ਼ੁਸ਼ ਗੋਸ਼ਾ ਯਾਰ ਸਰਾ ਚਿ ਕੁਨਦ ।੨੦।੩।
mukaam amano khush goshaa yaar saraa chi kunad |20|3|

What the people of India derive singing your poetry. (34) (5)

ਬਗ਼ੈਰਿ ਬਦਰਕਾਇ ਇਸ਼ਕ ਕੋ ਰਸੀ ਬ-ਮੰਜ਼ਲਿ ਯਾਰ ।
bagair badarakaae ishak ko rasee ba-manzal yaar |

For the spiritually enlightened persons, only His posture is joyful,

ਬਗ਼ੈਰਿ ਜਜ਼ਬਾਇ ਸ਼ੌਕਿ ਤੂ ਰਹਿਨੁਮਾ ਚਿ ਕੁਨਦ ।੨੦।੪।
bagair jazabaae shauak too rahinumaa chi kunad |20|4|

And for the lovers, the streets of their beloved are the way to happiness. (35) (1)

ਚੂ ਸੁਰਮਾਇ ਦੀਦਾ ਕੁਨੀ ਖ਼ਾਕਿ ਮੁਰਸ਼ਦ ਐ ਗੋਯਾ ।
choo suramaae deedaa kunee khaak murashad aai goyaa |

His (guru's) locks of hair have captivated the hearts of the entire world;

ਜਮਾਲਿ ਹੱਕ ਨਿਗਰੀ ਬਾ ਤੂ ਤੂਤੀਆ ਚਿ ਕੁਨਦ ।੨੦।੫।
jamaal hak nigaree baa too tooteea chi kunad |20|5|

In fact, his devotees are enamored with each and every hair on his head. (36) (2)

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