Ghazals Bhai Nand Lal Ji

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ਰਹਿ-ਰਸਾਨਿ ਰਾਹਿ ਹੱਕ ਆਮਦ ਅਦਬ ।
rahi-rasaan raeh hak aamad adab |

Goyaa says, "I cannot attain nor understand my reality as to who I am, Alas ! I have simply wasted all my life's assets.” (8) (4) Goyaa says, "If someone ever happens to pass through the street of the Beloved,

ਹਮ ਬਦਿਲ ਯਾਦਿ ਖ਼ੁਦਾ ਵ ਹਮ ਬਲਬ ।੫।੧।
ham badil yaad khudaa v ham balab |5|1|

He would then never go for a stroll (which will be beneath the above pleasure) even in the heavenly garden.” (8) (5)

ਹਰ ਕੁਜਾ ਦੀਦੇਮ ਅਨਵਾਰਿ ਖ਼ੁਦਾ ।
har kujaa deedem anavaar khudaa |

The moon is abashed when compared to your (beautiful) face,

ਬਸਕਿ ਅਜ਼ ਸੁਹਬਤਿ ਬਜ਼ੁਰਗਾਣ ਸ਼ੁਦ ਜਜ਼ਬ ।੫।੨।
basak az suhabat bazuragaan shud jazab |5|2|

In fact, even the world's sun is also mortified before your radiance, O Guru! its glow and light is subservient to yours. (9) (1)

ਚਸ਼ਮਿ-ਮਾ ਗ਼ੈਰ ਅਜ਼ ਜਮਾਲਸ਼ ਵਾ ਨਾ ਸ਼ੁਦ ।
chashami-maa gair az jamaalash vaa naa shud |

Goyaa: "My eyes have never recognized anyone other than the Akaalpurakh. Blessed are the eyes which can possibly see the Almighty.” (9) (2) I do not brag about my meditation or sanctimony, But if I am ever guilty of this sin, the Waaheguru is all-Forgiving.” (9) (3) Where can we find another one, When there is so much of noise and ado about the Only One." (9) (4)

ਜ਼ਾਣ ਕਿ ਜੁਮਲਾ ਖ਼ਲਕ ਰਾ ਦੀਦੇਮ ਰੱਬ ।੫।੩।
zaan ki jumalaa khalak raa deedem rab |5|3|

No word, other than the Naam of the Waaheguru ever comes to the lips of Goyaa,

ਖ਼ਾਕਿ ਕਦਮਸ਼ ਰੌਸ਼ਨੀਇ ਜਿਲ ਕੁਨਦ ।
khaak kadamash rauashanee jil kunad |

because of His divine attribute being All-forgiving. (9) (5)

ਗ਼ਰ ਤੁਰਾਬਾ ਸਾਲਿਕਾਂ ਬਾਸ਼ਦ ਨਸਬ ।੫।੪।
gar turaabaa saalikaan baashad nasab |5|4|

In (the chamber of my heart) our gathering, no sermon or discourse other than that about Akaalpurakh is delivered,

ਕੀਸਤ ਗੋਯਾ ਕੁ ਮਰਾਦਿ ਦਿਲ ਨ ਯਾਫ਼ਤ ।
keesat goyaa ku maraad dil na yaafat |

Come in and join this congregation. There is no stranger here (in the secrecy of this rendezous). (10) (1)

ਹਰ ਕਸੇ ਬਾ ਨਫਸਿ ਖ਼ੁਦ ਕਰਦਾ ਜਜ਼ਬ ।੫।੫।
har kase baa nafas khud karadaa jazab |5|5|

Without worrying about others' personalities, try to understand your own;

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