There is no one like them in this world. (188)
They are starkly steady, firm and adept in the memory of Waaheguru,
They appreciate and recognize Him, are dedicated to the Truth and also worship the Truth. (189)
Even though they are seen clad in worldly guise from head to toe,
You will never find them to be negligent of remembering Waaheguru even for half a moment. (190)
The chaste Akaalpurakh transforms them into pure and holy beings,
Even though their body is made up of just a fistful of dust. (191)
This human body made of dust becomes sacred with His remembrance;
Because it is the manifestation of the foundation (personality) bestowed by Akaalpurakh. (192)
It is their custom to remember the Almighty;
And, it is their tradition to always generate love and devotion for Him. (193)
How can every one be blessed with such a treasure?'
This non-perishable wealth is available only through their company. (194)
All these (material goods) are the result of the blessings of their company;
And, the wealth of both the worlds is in their praise and honor. (195)
An association with them is extremely profitable;
The date-palm of the body of dust brings in the fruit of Truth. (196)
When would you be able to run into such (an exalted) company?