One Onkaar,the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
Narayan, the lord of the destitutes, assuming forms has established mastery over all.
He is the formless king of all men and kings who created various forms.
As is creator of all the causes He is true to His reputation.
Gods and goddesses also could not know the extent of that Lord, the imperceptible and beyond all mysteries.
The ture Guru Nanak Dev inspired people to remember the true name of the Lord whose form is truth.
Founding dharamsala, the place for dharma, at Kartarpur, it was inhabited by the holy congregartion as the abode
Word Wahiguru was imparted (by Guru Nanak) to the people.
The steadfast foundation of the abode of truth in the form of holy congregation was laid thoughtfully (by Guru Na-nak Dev)
And he promulgated gurmukh-panth (Sikhism) which is ocean of infinite pleasures.
There, true word is practised which is unapproachable, imperceptible and mystical.
That abode of truth preaches to all the four varnas and all the six philosophies (of Indian origin) remain absorbed in its service.
Gurmukhs (there) speak sweetly, move humbly and are seekers of devotion.
Salutations are due to that primal Lord who is undestructible, undeceivable and unending.
Guru Nanak is the enlightener (Guru) of the entire world.
The true Guru is the carefree emperor, unfathomable and full of all qualities of a master.
His name is cherisher of the poor; neither He has attachment with any one nor He is dependent on anybody.
Formless, infinite and impeceptible, He is having all the attributes which deseve eulogization
The mastery of the true Guru is eternal because all the always present before Him (for His praises).
The true Guru is beyond all measuses; He cannot be weighed on any scale.
Uniform is His kingdom wherein there is no enemy, no friend and no noisy clamour
The true Guru is judicious; dispenses justice and in His kingdom no atrocity and tyranny is exacted.
Such a grand Guru (Ndnak) is the manifest spiritual teacher of the whole world.
Hindus adore Ganges and Banaras and Muslims consider Mecca-Kaba as a holy place.But to the accompaniment of mradarig (drum) and rabad (stringed instrument) the praises (of Baba Nanak) are sung
Lover of the devotees, he has come to uplift the down trodden ones.
He himfelf is wonderful (because in spite of his powers he is egoless).
By his efforts all the four varnas have become one and now the individual gets liberated in the holy congregatio
Like the fragrant of sandal, he without any discrimination makes every one fragrant.
All act as ordained by him and no one has the power to say no to him.
Such grand Guru (Nanak) is the manifest spiritual teacher of the whole world.
Guru Nanak created him ( Guru Angad) from his limbs as the waves are produced by Ganges out of itself.
Embodied with deep and sublime attributes he (Angad) was known by gurmukhs as the form of the (imperceptible) supreme soul (paramatman).
He himself is bestower of pleasures and pains but remains always without any blot.
The love between the Guru and the disciple was such that the disciple became Guru and the Guru disciple.
It happened in the same manner as tree creates fruit and from fruit is created tree, or as father becomes happy over son and son feels happy in obeying the orders of father.
His consiconsness merged into word and the perfect transcendental Brahm made him see the imperceptible (Lord).
Now Guru Angad got established as ( the extended form of) Baba Nanak.
Meeting paras (the philosopher's stone Guru Nanak) Guru Angad became paras himself and because of his love for the Guru he was called the true Guru.
Living according to the preachings and code of conduct laid down by the Guru, he became sandal by meeting the sandal (Guru Nanak).
The light immersed in the light; the delight of the wisdom of Guru (gurmat) was attained and the sufferings of evil mindedness got burnt and wiped out.
The wonder met the wonder and becoming wondrous got imbued with the wonder (Guru Nanak).
After quaffing the nectar the fountain of joy emerges to flew and then the power of bearing the unbearable is obtained
Moving on the highway of the holy congregation, the truth has merged into the truth.
In fact Lahana became the light of Baba Nanak's house.
Gurumukh (Angad) attuning his sabad (word) to the Sabad has chiselled his clumsy mind to make it an ornament.
He has disciplined himself in the fear of loving devotion and losing the sense of ego has saved himself from all sorts of imbroglios.
Achieving mastery over spirituality as well as temporarily, the gurmukh has resided in the loneliness.
Even being cause of all effects and all powerfull he remains in the world full of deceptions.
Dopting truth, contentment, compassion dharma, richness and scriminatory wisdom(Vichar) he has made peace his abo
Shedding lust, anger and opposition he has repudiated greed, infatuation and ego.
Such a worthy son Lahana (Angad) is born in the family of Baba (Nanak).
From the limb of Guru (Nanak) the tree of nector fruits in the name of Guru Angad has flourished.
As a lamp lits another lamp, with the light (of Guru Nanak), the flame (of Guru Angad) has been lit.
The diamond has cut (to shape) the diamond as if through magic, the undeceivable (Baba Nanak) has brought under control the simple_minded one (Guru Angad)
Now they connot be distinguished as if water has mingled with water.
The Truth is always beautiful and in the die of truth he (Guru Angad) has moulded himself.
His throne is immovable and kingdom everlasting ; they connot be moved in spite of efforts.
The ture word has been handed over ( to Guru Angad) by the Guru (Nanak) as if the coin has been issued from the mint
Now siddhs naths and incarnations (of gods) etc have stood before him with folded hands
And this command is true,immutable and inevitable.
The Lord is undeceivable, indestructible and non-dual, but because of His love for His devotees He is sometimes deluded by them (as in the case of 'Guru Amar Das).
His grandeur has crossed all the limits and being boyond all the boundaries none could know about his extent.
Among all the codes of couduct, the code of conduct of the Guru is the best one; he falling at the feet of Guru (Angad) has made the whole world bow at his own feet.
The pleasure fruit of the gurmuldts is the state of immortality and on the tree of nectar (Guru Angad) Guru Amar Das, the nectar fruit has grown.
From the Guru emerged the disciple and the disciple became the Guru.
Guru Angad the Cosmic spirit ( Purakh) having manifested the supreme spirit, (Guru Amar Das), himself merged in the supreme light.
Going beyond the perceptible world, he established himself in equipoise.Thus, Guru Amar Das has spead the true message.
Absorbing consciousness in the Word, the disciple became Guru and the Guru disciple.
Ward and weft are separate names but in the form of yam they are one and are known as the one, cloth.
The same milk becomes curd and from curd is made butter to be used variously.
From the sugar cane juice are prepared the lump sugar and other forms of sugar.
Mixing the milk, sugar, ghee etc. many dainty dishes are prepared.
Likewise when betal, betel nut, catechu and lime are mixed, they produce a beautiful colour.
In the same way the grandson Guru Amar Das has been authentically established.
As sesame mixed with flower becomes scented oil, likewise the, meeting of the Guru and the disciple makes a new personality.
Cotten also after passing ugh many processes becomes cloth of different varieties (similarly the ciple after meeting the Gum obtains a high position) .
Only the Guru's rd is the idol of Guru and this word is received in the holy congregation e ambrosial hours of the day.
The lordship of the world is false and truth must be caught hold of proudly.
Before such a truthful person, gods and goddesses run as a group of deer take to their heels on seeing a tiger
People, accepting the will of the lord and wearing the nose bar (of love) move (calmly) with Guru Amar Das.
Guru Amar Das is the truth mate, blest one gurmukh, the Guru oriented.
From the true Guru (Angad Dev) becoming the truthful Guru, Amar
Has enacted a wondrous feat. The same light, the same seat and the same will of Lord is being spread by him.
He has opened up the storehouse of word and has made the truth manifest through the holy congregation.
Making the disciple authentic, the Guru has put all the four varnas at his feet.
Now all becoming gurmukhs adore the one Lord and evil wisdom and duality have been wiped out of them.
Now the duty of the family and the teaching of the Guru is that one should be detacthed while living amidst maya
The perfect Guru has created the perfect grandeur.
Having worshipped the primal Lord he made the word pervade all the yugs ,and even before the yugs i.e. before the advent of time
Instructing people and teaching about the remembrance of nam (Lord), charity and ablutions, the Guru has taken them across the world(ocean)
The Guru provided dour legs to dharma which had remained one legged earlier.
From the point of view of public weal this was good and this way he further extended the ,,way shown by his (spiritual)father and grandfather.
Teaching the skill of merging the cousciousness in the word, he has brought people face to face with that imperceptible (Lord)
His glory is unapproachable, invisible and deep; its limits cannot be known.
He has known his real self but even then he has never attributed any importance to himself.
Away from attachment and jealousies he has adopted rajyoga (The supreme yoga).
None can know the mystery of his mind, speech and actions.
He is bestower ( unattached) enjoyer, and he has created holy congregation which is equal to the abode of gods.
He remains absorbed in innate poise; the master of unfathomable intellect, and being the true Guru he sets every one's disordered life in order.
From the flame of Guru Amar Das the flame of Guru Ram Das has been lighted. I salute him.
Becoming disciple of Gum and merging consciousness into, word he has quaffed the eternally flowing current of the unstruck melody.
Sitting on the throne of Guru, he has become manifest in the world
Grand father Guru Nanak, the grand son ( Guru Rain Das) has become great Like (spiritual) father Guru AmarDas, grand father Guru Angad and accepted (by sangat).
Having been awakened by Guru's instruction, he in turn awakens the dark age (Kaliyug) from deep slumber.
For dharma and the world he stands like a supporting pillar.
Whosoever has mounted the vessel of the Guru, is not scared of the world world ocean; and he is not to drown in it
Here virtues are sold for evils - such is the profitable shop of the Guru.
Once visited none gets separated from him who has put on the garland of the pearls of virtues.
Washed himself in the pure water of the tank of the Guru's love, one never gets soiled again.
In the family of great grand father (Guru Nanak) he (Guru Ram Das) stands like a detached lotus.
Gurmukh longs for the glimpse of truth and the truth is abtained only by providentially meeting an adopter of the truth.
Living in the family, the gurmukh like a dutiful householder enjoys all materials and like kings tastes all delights.
He remains detached amidst all hopes and, knowing the technique of yoga, is known as the king of yogis.
He always bestows and begs nothing. Neither he dies nor he suffers the pangs of the separation from the Lord.
He is not troubled by pains and maladies and he remains free from the diseases of air, cough and heat.
He accepts sufferings and joys alike; wisdom of the Guru is his wealth and he is uninfluenced by joy and sorrows.
Being embodied he is yet beyond the body and while living in the world he is beyond the world.
The master of all is one; any body else has neither existed nor ever shall be in future.
The creatures living in the tank of equipoise of the wisdom of Guru are known as param halls (swans of highest order)and they pick up only rubies and pearls i.e. they always adopt goodness in their life.
Becoming authorised of the knowledge of the Guru, they separate falsehood from truth as &visas are supposed to separate water from milk.
Repudiating the sense of duality they adore the one Lord with single mindedness.
Although house holders, they, merging their consciousness in Word, in the holy congregation remain established ineffortless concentration
Such perfect yogis are benevolent and free from transmigration.
Among such persons is Guru Ram Das who is fully absorbed in Guru Amar Das i.e. he is his constituent.
That Lord is without blemish, beyond birth, beyond time and is infinite.
Crossing the lights of sun and the moon, Guru Arjan Dev loves the supreme light of the Lord.
His light is ever effulgent. He is the life of the world and the whole world acclaims him.
All in the world salute him and he, ordained by the primal Lord, liberates one and all.
Amidst the four vamas and six philosophies the way of the gurmukh is the way of adoption of truth.
Adopting the remebrance of the name (of Lord), charity and ablution steadfastly and with loving devotion, he (Guru Arjan Dev) gets the devoetees across ( the world ocean).
Guru Arjan is the builder (of the Panth ).
Guru Arjan Dev is the lamp of the line of his father, grand father and great grand father.
Having merged his consciousness into Word he in a dignified way has undertaken the task (of Guruship) and being blest st one, has assumed the authority of the throne (of the Lord).
He is the storehouse of gurbdni (divine hymns) and remains absorbed in the eulogization (of the Lord).
He allows the fountain of unstruck melody flow unabated and remains immersed in the nectar of perfect love.
When the court of Guru assumes the form of holy congregation, the exchange of jewels and gems of wisdom takes place
The true court of Guru Arjan Dev is the true mark (of grandeur) and he has attained the true honour and greatness
The kingdom of knowledgeable (Guru Arjan Dev) is immutable.
He has conquered all the four directions and the Sikh devotees come to him in countless number.
The free kitchen (latigar) wherein the word of the Guru is served runs unabated there and this is the perfect creation(arrangement) of the perfect Guru.
Under the canopy of the Lord, the gurmukhs attain the supreme state bestowed by the perfect Lord.
In the holy congregation, the. Word Brahm, which is beyond the Vedas and the Ketebas , is attained by gurmukhs.
The Guru has created myriad Janak-like devotees who remain detached amidst maya.
The mystery of the power of His creation cannot be known and ineffable is the story of that unmanifest (Lord) .
The gurmukhs receive their pleasure fruit without any effort.
Beyond pleasures and sorrows he is creator, sustainer and destroyer.
He is away from enjoyments, repulsions, forms and even being amidst festivities, he remains detached and stabilized.
Unapproable through discussions, he is beyond the powers of intellect, speech; wisdom and praise.
Accepting Guru,(Arjan Dev) as God and God as Guru, Hargobind (the Guru)remains ever elated.
Being full of wonder he is absorbed in the supreme :Wonder and thus being awe inspired he remains immersed in supreme rapture , rapture.
Moving on the way of gurmukhs is like treading on the edge of sword.
Accepting the teachings of the Guru, the disciple adopts them in his life.
The gurmukhs are those swans who on the basis of their knowledge sift water (falsehood) from milk (truth).
Among turtles, they are such ones who remain uninfluenced by waves and whirlpools.
They are like siberian cranes who go on remembering the Lord while flying high.
Only by loving the Guru, the Sikh knows, understands and learns the knowledge, meditation and Gurbani, the holy hymns.
Having adopted the teachings of the Guru, the Sikhs become gursikhs, the Sikhs of the Guru, and join the holy congregation wherever they find it.
The humility could be cultivated only by bowing at the feet, becoming the dust of feet of the Guru and by deleting ego from the self.
Only such persons take feet-wash of the Guru and their speech becomes nectar (for others).
Liberating the soul from the body, Guru (Arjan Dev) stabilized himself in the water of river as the fish remains in water.
As the moth rows itself into the flame, his light mingled with light of the Lord.
Caring of for life, as the deer keeps its consciousness concentrated when in peril, the Guru also, when undergoing suffering kept none else except the Lord in is' consciousness.
As the black bee remains enrapt in the petals of flower • enjoy fragrance, the Guru also spent night of suffering by keeping joyfully s concentration on the feet of Lord.
The Guru like a rainbird spoke to his isciples that the teachings of the Guru should not be forgotten.
The pleasure it of the Gurmukh (Guru Arjan Dev) is the delight of love and he accepts the holy congregation as the natural state of meditation.
I am sacrifice unto Guru Arjan Dev.
The true Guru has been created in the form of perfect Brahm by the transcendent Brahm. Guru is God and God is the Guru; two names are of the same supreme reality.
The son for the father and the father for the son created wonder by receiving the wondrous Word .
A wonderful beauty has been created in the action of tree becoming fruit and fruit the tree.
From the two banks of a river its true extent cannot be understood simply by saying that the one is far and the other near bank.
Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Hargobind are in fact one and the same.
None else can perceive the imperceptible Lord but the disciple (Hargobind) having met the Guru (Arjan Dev) has visualised the imperceptible Lord.
Guru Hargobind is dear to the Lord who is the Guru of the Gurus.
The formless Lord assumed the form of Guru Nanak Dev who is second all forms.
In turn, he created Afigad from his limbs as the waves e created by Ganges.
From Guru Angad came Guru Amar Das and the miracle of the transference of the light was seen by one and all.
From. Guru ar Das Rim Das came into being in such a way as if the Word was ated from the unstruck sounds.
Guru Arjan Dev by Guru Ram 'Ws was ated as if he is the image of the latter in the mirror.
Being created by Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hargobind made himself famous as the form of the Lord.
In fact the physical body of the Guru is 'Word' of the Guru which comes perceptible only in the form of holy congregation.
Thus, the true liberated the whole world making people bow at the Lord's feet.