One Onkaar,the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
The glimpse of the Guru (Nanak Dev) is in the form of truth which has brought me face to face with the perfect and wondrous
Bestowing upon the people the mantra of true Name and the creator Lord, he has made the people remember the transcendent B
The knowledge of truth is the Word of the Guru, through which the wonder inspiring unstruck melody is heard.
Initiating the gurmukh-panth, (Sikhism, the highway for gurmukhs) the Guru inspired one and all to be steadfastly absorbed
Educating the people and making them his disciples, the Gum has founded holy congregation, the abode of truth.
Handing over the capital of truth to the people, the Guru made them bow at the (lotus) feet (of the Lord).
He made people understand the glory of the feet (of the Lord).
Since the sins are obliterated at the pilgrimage centres, people have ven them the Name of uplifters of the fallen ones.
But pilgrimage centres ecome meaningful only by the sight of the sadhus there.
Sadhus are they, ho having disciplined the mind have put it in the lotus feet of the Guru. ory of sadhu is unfathomable and
One out of crores may be d to be a (true) sadhu.
However sadhus in the form of the Sikhs of Guru anak) are innumerable because the dharamscias, holy centres, flourish erywh
People bowing at the feet of the Sikhs of the Guru take wash ectar of their feet and worship the same.
Gurmukh has had the glimpse the imperceptible Lord and pleasure fruit there of.
Cultivating the virtues of all the five elements in their hearts, the gurmukhs like earth have lost the sense of ego.
They have come to the shelter of the Guru's feet and from that store - house they get all sorts of benefits.
From convention and the knowledge given by the Guru also the same (conclusion) emerges that the dust of the (feet of) sadh
The fallen ones are made meritorious and the meritorious ones are further transformed into sacred ones.
The glory of the wash nectar of the feet of sadhus is limitless; even Stesanag (thouosand hooded mythological snake) while
Eulogizing the Lord by its many a mouth could not know it. The dust of sadhu's feet has erased all debts and because of that feet-wash nectar, the mind has also come under control.
Gurmukh first himself bowed at the feet and then he made the whole world fall at his feet.
Ganges, the wash of the Lords' feet, left heavens and came down to arth.
Nine hundred ninety nine rivers and sixty eight pilgrimage centres erged in it.
In all the three worlds, it is accepted as authentic and Mahadev ,iva) has borne it on his head.
Gods and goddesses all worship it and hail s greatness.
Myriads of heavens and the master of heavens including the ranges, absorbed in meditation declare,
That the dust of the feet of sadhu is rare and is obtainable only by coming under the shelter of the true Guru.
Value of even the one petal of the lotus feet is beyond assessment.
Lakhs of invisible powers adorn the shelter of the feet of goddess of wealth (Laksmi);
All prosperities, miraculous powers and treasures are her servants and many an accomplished person is engrossed in her.
All the four vamas, six philosophies, celebates, suttees and nine maths have been made to bow by her.
Deceptively she is pervading all the three worlds, fourteen abodes, land, sea and the nether worlds.
That goddess Kamala (Laksmi) alongwith her husband (Visnu) seeks the shelter of holy congregation
Wherein the gurmukhs bowing at the feet of holy persons have lost their ego and still have kept themselves unnoticed.
The grandeur of the pleasure-fruit of the gurmukhs is very great.
Assuming the form of Vaman (short statured brahmin) and remaining unsuccessful in beguiling king Bali
He Himself got beguiled. Having asked for two and a half steps of land, Vaman, afterwards enlarged His body.
In two steps He measured all the three worlds and in a half step He measured the body of king Bali.
Accepting the kingdom of netherworld better than heavens Bali started ruling it.
Now the Lord, in whom subsume Brahma, Visnu and Mahen, becoming lover of His devotees, served as a door keeper of king Bali
Many sacred incarnations like Vaman also have the wish of having the dust of the feet of holy congregation.
They also contemplate the feet of the Guru in the company of holy ones.
A king named Sahasrbahu came to Jamadagni rishi as a guest.
Seeing wish-ful-filling cow with the rishi he became greedy and killed Jamdagni.
Hearing the wails of Renuka, his mother, Parana Ram came running to her.
Becoming full of anger he cleared this earth of the kshatriyas twenty-one time i.e. he killed all the kashatriyas.
Only those who fell at the feet of Parasu Rim were saved; none else could raise arms against him.
He also could not obliterate his ego and though he became chiraiijiv i.e. ever living person,
He always made show of his ego and could never receive the pollen of the lotus feet (of Lord).
In their pleasure palace, Daisarath and Kaus'alya were absorbed in their joys.
In their exultations they were planning as to what should be the name of their son yet to be born.
They thought that the name should be Ram Chandr because just reciting the name of Ram
They would get rid of three killings (embroy and its parents murder).
The Ram Rai (kingdom of Ram) in which truth, contentement and dharma were protected,
Was acknowledged throughout the world. Rim remained detached from maya and sitting near Vasisth listened to the tales of th
Through the Rtimayatt people came to know that the stone (Ahalya) was restored to life by the touch of the feet of Rim.
That Ram also fell happy to attain the dust of the congregations of the sadhus (and went to forest to wash the feet of anch
The tenth chapter of the Bhagavat defines the glory of incarnation of Krsna in the world.
He performed many wonderful acts of bhog (merriment) and yoga (renunciation).
Making Kauravs (sons of Dhrttrastr) and Pandays to fight against each other he further made them wonder struck.
Indr and Brahma et al. donot know the limits of his grandeur.
When Raisfiy was arranged by Yudhisthar, all were alloted their duties.
Krsna himself tookover the duty of washing of the feet of all so that through this service
He could realise the importance of the service of the holy congregation and the Word of the Guru.
It is said that in the form of (great) fish Vista' incarnated himself and by his valour salvaged the Vedas.
Then in the form of tortoise he churned the ocean and brought jewels out of it.
In the form of third incarnation Virah, he decimated demons and liberated the earth.
In fourth incarnation he assumed the form of man-lion andeicilling demon (Hiranyakasipu) saved Prahalid.
Incarnating ten times in this one world Vismi also became egotist.
But, the Lord Oankar who has subsumed crores of worlds
In His each trichome has managed myriads of such individuals.
Nevertheless, the lotus feet of Guru are unapproachable and beyond all limits.
Having listened to the Shastras, Vedas and Puranas people further recite and listen to them.
Millions of people listen to the rag-nod (musical measures)and the unstrucke melody and sing the same.
SesanEg and millions of Lomas rishis concentrate to know the dynamism of that unmanifest Lord.
Millions of Brahma, Visnus and Sivas who concentrate upon and talk of Him, are still ignorant about even an iota of His mys
Gods and goddesses adore that Lord but their service does not take them to His mystery.
Millions of Machhendr näths (Matsyendranath), Gorakhnaths and the siddhs (the ascetics of high orders) concentrate upon Him through their yogic practices (of dhautr and neti etc).
They all declare the feet of Guru as unapproachable
If going out doors one comes across a brahmin (who is proud of his high caste in India), the traditional people consider it
The head being proud of its high place is tied with turban.
Eyes are also not adored because they see with the sense of duality.
Nose is also not worshipped because on seeing a low person the nose is turned up to show disdain.
Though placed higher, the ears are also not worshipped because they listen to the eulogy as well as slander.
Tongue is also not worshipped because it is also surrounded by teeth and tastes both edibles and inedibles.
Only because of being the lowest, the feet are touched with hands in worshipful reverence.
The proud elephant is inedible and none eats the mighty lion.
Goat is humble and hence it is respected everywhere.
On occasions of death, joy, marriage, yajna, etc only its meat dis accepted.
Among the householders its meat is acknowledged as sacred and with its gut stringed instruments are made.
From its leather the shoes are made to be used by the saints merged in their meditation upon the Lord.
Drums are mounted by its skin and then in the holy congregation the delight-giving kirtan, eulogy of the Lord, is sung.
In fact, going to the holy congregation is the same as going to the shelter of the true Guru.
All the bodies are useful but the human body is the most useless and defiled one.
In its company many a delicious food, sweet etc change into urine and faeces.
In its evil company silken robes, betel, comphor etc. also get spoiled.
Sandal scent, and joss sticks etc also get converted into fowl smell.
Kings rule gheir kingdoms and die of their fights with one another.
Withoug going to the holy congregation and to the shelter of Guru, this human body is also fruitless.
Only that body is meaningful which has come to the Guru's fold in humility
Those gurmukhs who have gone into the shelter of the holy congretation have attained the pleasure fruit.
These devotees are Dhruv, Prahalad, Ambaris, Bali, Janak, Jaidev, Valmilci et al.
They have gone across through the holy congregation. Bent, Trilochan, Namdev, Dhanna,
Sadhana have also been called saints. Kabir is accepted as bhagat, the devotee, and Ravidas,
Vidur et al. have also been loved by the Lord. Whether born in high or the low caste,
The gurmukh who has adopted the lotus feet in his heart,
Decimating his ego has come to be known (as devotee).
The so - called knowledgeable persons having listened to the Vedas as their knowledge about the world on the basis of hears
The also learn about heavens, mother earth and all the seven odds, but still they donot know the real truth.
Neither do they hand the past future and the present, nor the mystery of the beginning middle, but are simply wonderstruck
Through their classifications medium and low varnas they cannot understand the great play.
Engrossed in actions (rajoguni), inertia (tamoguni) and tranquillity (satoguni) also talk and listen,
But without understanding the holy nation and the true Guru, they wander through the activities of their eech and actions.
Thus the (classifications of) Muslims and Hindus
In the Satyug the whole country suffered because of the evil deeds of one wrong-doer.
In Tretia the whole city was surrounded and in Dvapar, the whole family was to suffer hell.
The justice of Kaliyug is true because only he suffers who does the evil deeds.
In Satyug, the truth, in Treta- the yajti, in Dvapar ritualistic worship were accomplished.
In Kaliyug through no action other than constant remembering the Lord's name could attain liberation.
In all the yugs (ages) the individual reaps what he has sown and earns sufferings and delights in accordance with his demer
In Kaliyug, the individual desires to have the fruits of meritorious actions though he remains absorbed in the sinful deeds
Gurmukhs attain the pleasure fruit only by losing their sense of ego
Seeing the injustice of Satyug, dharma in the form of a bull got sad.
Even the king of gods, Indr, and other kings with vast empires, engrossed egoism, devoid of power and wisdom could not sust
In Treta- its one foot slipped and now religious people started feeling satisfied by mere performance of the ceremonies of
In Dvapar remained only two feet of dharma and now people began to remain absorbed only ritualistic worship.
In Kaliyug, the dharma has only one feet and consequently has become quite feeble.
True Guru, the power of the powerless, has made it (dharma) manifest by and through creating the holy Icongretgations.
The gurmukhs have brought to perfection the dharma earlier reduced to dust.
Since the true Guru integrated all the four varnas into one, this assemblage of varnas has come to be known as the holy con
Among six seasons and six philosophies, the Gurmukh-philosophy has been established like the Sun (among the planets).
Wiping out all the twelve ways (of yogis) the Guru has created the mighty Gurmukh-way (panth).
This panth keeps itself away from the boundaries of the Vedas and the Katebas and always remembers as well as sings the uns
On this Way of absolute humility and becoming dust of the feet of the Gum, the disciple learns the right conduct.
This panth remains detached amidst maya and obliterating the sense of ego remembers the Lord spontaneously i.e. always rema
It has gone far beyond the influence of boons and curses.
When two Muslims meet they greet each other by saying `Salam' (salamalaikum).
When yogis meet they exchange Wes salute to that ,primaeval Lord.
Sannyasis of different garbs say 'On namah', 'om namah narayanah'.
When one bows before a brahmin, he also in view of the station of the person gives blessings accordingly.
Among the Sikhs, on meeting, the tradition of salulation by touching feet is there, and this is the best one.
In this act the king and the poor are equal and no distinction of young and old is observed.
The devotees like sandal wood make no discrimination (while spreading their fragrance).
Any rare one practises the Guru's teaching of calling oneself the lowest among the lowly ones.
When a rupee is changed into sixty paisas, its power is scattered and it becames weak.
If gold-muhar (coin) is changed for ten rupees, it loses its value.
And if a diamond is obtained for one thousand coins, it becomes so light that it is stringed in a necklace (and is worn).
The man who by touching the feet and by becoming dust of the feet (of Guru) erases the illusions and fears of speech
And actions from his mind and in the holy congregation wipes out the five evil propensities, he further restrains the mind
Such a one is a real sadhu (Gurmukh) and his words are ineffable.