One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor.
Raag Ramkali, Vaar In praise of Sri Bhagauti Ji (The Sword) and the Tenth Master
God established the true congregation as his celestial throne.
(Guru) Nanak illuminated the Sidhas with the true form of the Fearless and Formless One.
The Guru (in his Tenth Form) entreated the Shakti, the Integrity, by bequeathing the nectar through the Double-Edged Sword.
Quaffing the nectar of Double-Edged Sword, accomplish the worth of your birth.
While the egocentric remains in duality, the Khalsa, the pure ones, enjoy the association of the Guru;
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and Disciple too.
O the beloved of the Guru, listen to the Eternal and True (Message of Guru) Gobind Singh.
When one joins the True Assembly, the five vices are liquidated.
In the Congregation no respect is accorded to the ones who disregard their Spouses,
But the Guru's Sikh remains unblemished in the Court of Righteousness.
And sequentially, always, meditate on Godly Guru Gobind Singh in the ambrosial hour.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Egoism pervades the affairs of the whole Universe.
Those are the only Gurmukhs (the ones adopting the Guru's way), who bow to the celestial order.
But the rest, forgetting why they came, are drowned in falsehood and duality.
Those, who have the blessing of God's Name, have His own support.
The Gurmukh enjoys the worth of his birth right whereas the egocentric remains in duality.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
The Celestial Word is for them, whose divine writ is blessed.
The egocentric is like a derelict woman but the fortunate is the Gurmukh one.
The Gurmukh is the epitome of a (white) swan whereas the (black) crow represents an egocentric.
The egocentric resembles the withered lotus but the Gurmukh is full bloom.
Whereas the dissenter remains in transmigration, the Gurmukh is assimilated in Har.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
True is the Lord and True HisGurbani, the Celestial Word.
Infused in the True, celestial delight is gained.
They who endeavour for the True recognition, relish the bliss.
The egocentric are condemned to the hell, and their bodies are crushed by the oil-press.
The Gurmukh's birth brings contentment while the egotistic wander in duality.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
True Naam, the Word, is precious, and is grasped only by the fortunate ones,
In the True Assembly by, always, singing the praises of Har.
In the field of righteousness in the Kal-age, one crops what one sows.
The True Lord, like straining water, assesses Truth through Justice.
Truth prevails in the congregation, and unique is His everlasting affinity.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; himself is the Master and the Disciple too.
Har, the One and Only God is prevailing now and shall be.
He, Himself, is the Creator, and is savoured through the Guru's Word.
Without any veneration, He produces as well as decimates in an instant.
In the Kal-age, by administering service to the Guru, the distress troubles not.
Whole Universe is your presentation, and You are the ocean of benevolence.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
The Primal Being is the an absolute perception, and without Guru His goals are unapproachable.
He, the infinite Primal Being, is not discernible through temporal aptitude.
He neither perishes nor needs any favours, and, therefore, must always be remembered,
As with service to the True One, the fear free posture is earned.
He, the only one, has manifested in myriad of forms.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
The Indestructible Infinite-being is apparent in all the fragments.
The vices, He obliterates, and the oblivious one can forget Him not.
Har, the all knowing Timeless, is unperturbable but can be experienced through the Guru's Word.
He is omnipresent but non-aligned, and the illusion attracts Him not.
The Gurmukh converges on the Naam and conveniently swims across the mundane sea.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Recognise the Formless, the One with compassion for humanity, who is the treasure of benevolence, and sans enmity.
Day and night with diligent mind sing the praises of emancipating Lord.
To escape the hell, recollect the One who prevents the hell and wipes out the torments,
As with service to the True One, the fear free pasture is earned.
He, the only one, has manifested in myriad of forms.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
God Almighty is the Immaculate and Supreme Being.
Knowing all, He is the saviour of fallen ones.
Beholding all, He is prudent and bountiful in charity.
In valuable human form, it is the time to join with Him.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Remember the destroyer of anxiety, and worship the obliterator of licentiousness.
The Cherisher of His Devotees, destroys their afflictions, and makes them, the ones in meditation, for ever diseaseless.
His alluring demeanour grants emancipation and chances amalgamation (with God).
He, Himself is the Admirer, the Protector, and the Creator, and He proceeds the way He wishes.
God, the liberator of the destiny, is the adversary of ego and duality, and luxuriates in multitudes of plays.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
(He) is realiser of desires, and is the destinies scribe.
Har is coloured with the dye of his devotees love, and being True He deals in the Truth.
Worthy of meditation, He is Kind, and is equally integrated in males and females.
Deliberate on Rikhikesh, the conserver of perceptual organs and His manifestation in Raghunath (Sri Ram Chandra) and meditate on Banwari (The Lord Krishna).
Har, the Supreme Soul, destroys fear; meditate and pacify the mind.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
The life patron of Puranas, is the perfect Supreme Soul.
Har, the Sustaining Lord, is not deficient in protection.
Hail! Manifested is the Supreme Being in the countenance of gallant Guru Gobind Singh,
Who is spectacular, and with his marvels, profusely he is Satguru, the True Lord.
Remember day and night, the virtues of Har who, at the times honest, endows truth.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Guru Gobind Singh manifested as the tenth incarnation.
He inspired the meditation upon the imperceptible, timeless and flawless Creator.
And initiated the Khalsa Panth, the Religious Path of Righteousness, and bequeathed scintillating splendour.
Head high with full tresses, and the sword in hand, (the Panth) eliminated the adversaries,
Wearing the breaches, the symbol of chastity, raised the arms,
Roaring the war-cries of Victory to the Guru, prevailed in the immense battlefields,
Rounded up all the devilish foes and annihilated them.
And then docilely manifested the appraisal of great Guru in the world.
Thus descended the young Singhs, the lions, like the rain showers from the blue sky,
Who eliminated all the Turk (ruling Muslim) enemies and promoted the God's Name.
None dared to face them, and all the chieftains took to their heels.
The kings, sovereigns and emirates, all of them were decimated.
With high pitched drum-beats (of victory), even the mountains shuddered.
The upheaval ruffled the earth and people forsook their domiciles.
In such a conflict and distress, the world was absorbed.
And there was none else than the True Guru who could eradicate the fright.
He (the True Guru), beholding the sword, displayed the feats bearable to none.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
With the command of the Timeless, the Supreme True Guru, proclaimed the self-realisation,
And then, steadfastly, created Khalsa, the righteous ones, with the undefiled human form.
The Singhs rose up roaring and whole world was over-awed.
They decimated and raised to the ground the (ritualistic) cemeteries, crematoriums, temples and mosques.
(Compulsive) readings of Vedas, Puranas, Six-shastras and Quran was abolished.
Baangs, the calls for Muslim prayers, were ousted and the kings were abolished.
Temporal and spiritual leaders were obscured, and all the religions became topsy-turvey.
The Muslim priests and justices deciphered hard but could not comprehend dissolution.
Millions of Brahamin scholars and astrologers were venomously entangled,
And were drowned in extreme fallacies of worshipping the idols and gods.
Thus, both the ignorant faiths, muffled in hypocrisy, were lagging behind.
Then the third religion, Khalsa, manifested triumphantly.
By the command of Guru Gobind Singh, they brandished the swords held high.
They exterminated all the scoundrels and order of the Timeless One.
And this way they revealed the command of the Timeless in the world.
Turks, the Muslims, dreaded and none actuated the circumcision
Consequently, the following of Mohammed submerged in ignorance.
Then the drumbeats of victory terminated all the adversities.
And thus was proclaimed the great and valorous Third Faith.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Brave and stalwart Singhs awoke and obliterated all the enemies.
Muslim faith evaporated and Hindu's remained in scarcity.
Neither there was any body to recite the Muslim Verses nor there was talk of Allah, the Muslim God.
Neither any one called for Nimaz, the Muslim prayer, nor they said Darrod, the benedictions. Fatima was remembered not and none revelled in circumcision.
This path of Shariyat (Muslim Divine Law) erased, Muslims were perplexed.
By applauding all and sundry, the Guru exhibited the operation of Truth,
And then he stimulated brave warrior Singhs in hundreds of thousands.
They picked all the cruel Turks in the world, and plundered and liquidated them.
Thus there prevailed the universal serenity and disregard for the tribulations.
Then circulated (Guru) Gobind's order to reflect upon the Timeless One.
The sovereignty of the Fearless predominated and justice was determined by the Truth.
Thus incarnating in the Kal-age, he unfolded Satjug, the Golden Age of Truth.
Abolishing all the Turks and barbarians, he inspired fidelity.
The ailments were driven away from the entire world and blessings conferred.
Thus the Creator's order was enacted and all the contentions effaced.
Then consistently the righteousness manifested and the praises of Har were articulated.
Hail! The Impervious Being was manifested and heralded as the one and only hero.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Himself, the True Guru invoked Fateh, the greeting of victory, and spread the divine light.
The falsehood and maliciousness vanished and truth triumphed.
Desisting from the (rituals of) Yajana and Havana, righteousness was promoted.
All the contention of Turks were eliminated, and the (Khalsa) ovation was permeated.
Thus were promulgated Singhs, the emphatic and the righteous ones.
The whole world was brought to order and they meditated upon the magnanimous invisible.
Deliberating on the Guru's Righteous-path, (celestial) light beamed and the darkness (of the ignorance) was effaced.
And then the happiness, welfare and bliss prospered in the whole world.
The emancipator Guru (advanced) the incantation of Har, Wahiguru, God the Supreme, Har, Wahiguru.
The ones who meditates with devotion, realise the sublime court.
Embrace (you) all at the Guru's feet and get red of the perplexities.
Only the egocentric and the false ones get punished in the Righteous Court.
Only they, who ponder over Har, accomplish the astral heights and the rest remain fruitless.
By controlling the inconsistent mind, remember the Creator.
Then with the heavenly command, one overwhelms the tenth door (of inner soul),
And intuitively presents himself in the Godly domain for spiritual judgement.
Sequentially, in the heaven, his spiritual evaluation is appreciated.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Hail! God's disciple was born and recognised as a great hero.
He triumphed over the whole world and unfurled the sacred flags.
Protected all the Singhs, and endowed them with bliss.
Then controlled the entire society, and explained the commands.
Promoted good order in the world and inspired exhilaration.
Meditated and ruminated over the Timeless One, and glorified Har, the God Almighty.
Exalted Guru Gobind Singh instituted mighty crusading Singhs.
Thus abounded in the world, Khalsa, the righteous ones, and the heretics were deluded.
The mighty Singhs rose and made their arms to shine.
All the Turks were subjugated and made to ponder over the Timeless.
Putting aside all the Kashatriyas, they let them had no peace.
The righteousness manifested the world and Truth was proclaimed.
Eradicating the influence of twelve centuries, the Guru's slogan ravelled,
Which indulgently invalidated all the enemies and barbarians, and the hypocrisy took to its wings.
The world was won over thus and truth was crowned, and set on its throne.
The world was consoled, and the devotees were induced towards Har.
All the humanity was blessed and the afflictions were wiped out.
Then with the eternal benediction, the anxiety in the world was alleviated.
Gurdas, leaning on the door, was eulogising this;
`Oh my True Lord! Please save me from the trepidation of the Yamas.
`Enable me, the servant of servants, to earn the favour of the Guru,
`So that all the restraints are erased, and one retreats not to the hell.'
Har was always anxious for his devotees and, thus, the devotees's (divine) union was obvious.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
The saints and devotees, who are the Sikhs of Guru (Gobind Singh), have come for the deliverance of the world.
And these generous ones are causing the world meditate upon the Guru's incantation,
The Sewak, the devoted adherent, who meditates on the Naam (of the Creator) is sanctified.
With deliberation, penance and austerity, the devotee achieves godliness,
And abandons sensuality, wrath, greed arrogance and infatuation.
He reforms with capable strategy, and domineers the mind wavering wind,
Six spheres (of bodily self-control) overpowered, he eventually, overwhelms the divine heights.
Then he proceeds, with honour, towards the heavenly abode with a virtuous appearance.
One who narrates the glory of (Guru) Nanak, is the bravest of all.
And the one who recounts this Epic of Bhagauti, attains the Eternal status.
Neither he faces the distress nor repentance; rather he prevails in bliss.
Whatever he desires, he achieves and, through his heart, invokes the invisible.
For that, he, day and night, recounts this Epic from his mouth,
To earn freedom from the urge for material things, attains salvation and flies to rapturous heights.
There remains no challenge of Yamas,
and Righteousness eliminates all the transgressions.
No punishment of the Yamas remains effective, and the adversities become not troublesome.
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.
Guru Nanak, the embodiment of God Himself, permeated this (godly) operation.
And invoked sacred writ on (Guru) Angad.
In the first manifestation, he expounded the Naam (the Creator in His Creator).
And the second, (Guru) Angad sang the benevolence of Har.
In the Third revelation, (Guru) Amar Das captured the mind with the Eternal Word,
By which he had envisaged the Lord God in his heart.
He served his True Guru by fetching water to his (Guru's) abode,
And, thus, obtained the divine throne.
In the fourth personification, appeared Guru Ram Dass,
Who recapitulated the faultless Immortal-being,
And confirmed fifth pontification upon Guru Arjan,
Who with the treasure of nectarous Word, compiled the Granth (the book of Holy Scriptures).
Creating the Granth, he pronounced:
The whole world to reiterate the Sermons,
And with the Sermons from the Granth, the world emancipated.
But the emancipated were those who, day and night, recollected the Naam.
Then was embodied Guru Hargobind, the sixth master,
Who, with sword held high, prostrated the enemies.
He made the minds of Muslim rulers demented,
And for the sake of his devotees he rose and initiated (upon them) the war of attrition.
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, You grant me redemption.
The Impervious God personified (Guru) Har Rai as the seventh Master.
He had ascertained from the Desireless Lord, and achieved the significance.
Ascending from the celestial cave he remained absorbed (in the Almighty).
And always sat unperturbed in contemplation.
Acquired all the faculties but remained latent.
And to none he revealed his personal-self.
Thus, he elevated the prominence of the Holy Spirit.
The potent and courageous (Guru) Harkrishan became the eighth Master,
Who abandoned his temporal being at Delhi.
Becoming apparent, at the age of innocence, he displayed ingenuity,
And serenely relinquished the body and ascended (to the heavenly abode).
Thus, slamming ignominy on the heads of Mughal Rulers,
He, Himself, reached the Court of Righteousness with honour.
Thence on Aurangzeb initiated the altercation,
And earned the desolation of his lineage.
By quarrelling and squabbling the Mughals decimated each others;
That was the way, all the sinners trailed to the hell.
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, You grant me redemption.
Above us all, Guru Nanak is the paramount,
Meditating on whom, all the missions are accomplished.
Then Guru Tegh Bahadur performed the wonderment;
Liberated the world by sacrificing his head.
This way, left the Mughals in bewilderment,
As he did not demonstrate the power of his manifestation,
And acquiescing to the God's Will he realised the Heavenly Court.
The True Guru, thus revealed his kind indulgence.
The Mughals were declared as guilty,
And with admonishment they were invalidated.
With this I have related the contrivance of the Great Masters,
Who, with the remembrance of God, salvaged their devotees.
Then the whole universe offered ovation.
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, You grant me redemption.
Guru Gobind Singh, the Tenth incarnation,
Who regenerated the triumphant Khalsa Panth, the righteous denomination,
Decimated all the Turk enemies,
Thus turned the whole earth into a subsisting garden.
Great warriors were embodied,
Whom no one could dare to confront.
Victory predominated and all the tribulations and conflicts were erased,
And the meditation upon the God, the Timeless, was inducted.
In the first instance, the Master resolved to ruminate over the Creator,
And then he kindled the whole universe.
The devotees became resolute, and the divine light released all.
When God invoked his command,
Then, they encountered the holy congregation,
To enunciate the admiration of the Lord God, day and night,
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, You grant me redemption.
Magnanimously, You, the formless, are the Unsustained Holy Spirit.
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva could not unravel your mystery.
You, my Lord, are faultless and contemplative.
With the touch of Your feet, grant us endurance,
As I have sought the protection of Your Court.
What ever may be the means, please regenerate us,
The ones sunk in lust, avarice, and falsehood.
You, my Master, are the exonerator,
And without You none empathizes with us,
To provide us with sustenance.
You are profound, unperturbed, unparallel and unique.
The whole universe is provided livelihood by You.
Your order predominates the land, water and void.
And by reflecting upon You, whole mankind swims across.
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, You grant me redemption.
You became known as impregnable, indiscriminate, and free of deception.
And from Your celestial throne, passed Your commands.
None other than You is our protector.
You are the only impeccable,
Who, as the saviour of all, inaugurates the temporal play,
And You, Yourself, remain absolute and latent,
But Your unaccessible play persists with determination,
And, in a unique way, You sojourn all the hearts.
This way You produce a marvellous play,
In which You absorb hundreds of thousands of universes.
But without pondering over You, none will be consumed.
Only those get deliverance, who rely on You.
Destitute Gurdas is Your disciple,
And with penance and asceticism he seeks Your comfort.
Bless him, forgive his errors and omissions,
By accepting slave Gurdas, as Your own.
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, you grant me redemption.
Who is this Gurdas, The poor creature?
He narrates about the inaccessible body-corporate.
When he is bestowed with the understanding by the Guru,
He expounds this anecdote.
Without His command, blows not a leaf,
And happens whatever the Contriver wills.
At His Command is the entire universe.
The ones who comprehend the order, swim across.
Under the Command exist all the gods, humans and animals.
In the Command abide (the deities), Brahma and Mahesh.
And Command creates the Vishnu.
Under Command temporal courts are held.
The Command advances the religious consciousness.
With the Command, Indra, the king of gods, is enthroned.
The sun and moon survive with His Command.
And aspire for the blessings of Har's feet.
In the Command continue the earth and the skies.
Birth and death come not without His Command.
One who understands the Command achieves eternity.
And thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, you grant me redemption.
This Epic of Bhagauti is prominently sacred,
Sermonising which, (sublime) perception is revealed.
Those, who will embrace this Epic,
Will get their mental desires fulfilled.
All the adversities, conflicts and bickering will be erased.
The sacred manifestation descends, and one gets contentment.
One who recites this Epic day and night,
Will realise the internal court of Har.
Thus the Epic of Bhagauti is completed.
Through its knowledge the creator is recognised,
Only then the True Guru becomes benevolent,
And all the perplexities are ridden.
O God, Almighty, do me a favour,
Hold my arm and enable me to swim across the temporal sea.
Thus exclaimed Gurdas;
O my True Guru, you grant me redemption.