One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
From their conduct in the world, the Guru-oriented, gurmukhs and mind oriented manmukhs are known sadhus and wicked ones respectively.
Out of these two, the mongrels-apparently sadhus but internally thieves--are always in wavering state and, suffering for their ego, go astray.
Such double-faced thieves, backbiters and cheats remain pale-faced due to their bewilderment in both the worlds.
They are neither here nor there and, burdened with the load of delusions go on drowing in between and getting suffocated.
Whether Muslim or the Hindu, the manmukh among the gurmukhs is the utter darkness.
His head is always loaded with the comings and goings through transmigration of his soul.
Consequent to the confluence of male and female both (Hindu and Muslim) were born; but both initiated separate ways (sects).
Hindus remember Ram-Ram and the Muslims named Him Khuda.
Hindus perform their worship facing East and Muslims bow towards the West.
Hindus adore Ganges and Banaras, whereas Muslims celebrate Mecca.
They have four scriptures each--four Vedas and four Katebas. Hindus created four varnas (castes) and Muslims the four sects (Hanifis, Safis, Malikis, and Hambalis).
But in fact, the same air, water and fire exist in them all.
The ultimate shelter for both is the same one; only they have given different names to it.
Double-faced i.e. uneven minor moves hand to hand in the assembly (because nobody likes it).
Similarly a double-talker like a prostitute engrossed in other's homes moves from door to door.
At first she looks pretty and men are pleased to see her face
But later she is found to be dreadful because her single face possesses two images.
Even cleaned with ashes, such double-faced mirror becomes filthy again.
Yama, the Lord of dharma is one; he accepts dharma but does not get pleased by the delusions of wickedness.
Truthful gurmukhs ultimately attain the truth.
By tying the threads, weaver weaves huge warp and weft with a single yarn.
Tailor tears and spoils cloth and torn cloth cannot be sold.
His double-blade honed scissors cuts the cloth.
On the other hand, his needle stiches and the separated pieces are thus reunited.
That Lord is one but different ways have been created by Hindus and Muslims.
The path of Sikhism is superior to both because it accepts an intimate relation between the Guru and the Sikh.
The double-minded are always perplexed and thus they suffer.
The eight board spinningwheel moves between two upright posts.
Both ends of its axle are thrust in the holes in the middle of two post and on the force of its neck the wheel is turned innumerable times.
The two sides are secured by a fastening cord and a string belt encircles the wheel and the spindle.
Two pieces of leather hold the spindle around which the girls spin sitting in groups.
Sometimes they would suddenly stop spinning and leave as birds fly from the tree (the double-minded person is also like these girls or birds and changes his mind abruptly).
Ochre colour which is temporary one, does not give company up to the last i.e. it fades away after sometime.
The double-minded person (also) is like a moving shadow which does not stick to one place
Abandoning both the families of father and father-in-laws, the shameless woman cares not for modesty and does not wish to wash away her immoral reputation.
Deserting her husband, if she enjoys the company of her paramour, how can she, moving in different lustful directions, be happy?
No advice prevails upon her and she is despised at all social gatherings of mourning and rejoicing.
She weeps in contrition because she is disdaifully reproached at every door.
For her sins, she is arrested and punished by the court where she loses every iota of honour that she had.
She is miserable because now she is neither dead nor alive; she still looks for another house to ruin because she does not like to live in her own home.
Similarly doubt or double-mindedness weaves for it the garland of vices.
Inhabiting in other's lands brings repentence and takes away happiness;
Daily the land lords quarrel, toot and extort.
Husband of two women and the wife of two husbands are bound to perish;
Tillage under the orders of two mutually antagonist masters would go waste.
Where suffering and anxiety dwell day and night i.e. all the time, that house gets destroyed and the neighbourhood women laugh derisively.
If one gets one's head stuck in two cavities, one can neither stay nor run away.
Likewise, the sense of duality is a virtual snake-bite.
The wicked and unhappy is the betrayer who is like two headed snake which is also undesirable.
Snake's is the worst species and out of that also the two-headed snake is a bad and wicked variety.
Its master remains unknown and on this unprincipled creature no mantra works.
Any one whom it bites becomes leper. His face is deformed and he dies of its fear.
Manmukh, the mind-oriented one does not accept the advice of gurmukhs and creates quarrel here and there.
His speech is poisonous and in his mind are cherished sordid plans and jealousies.
His poisonous habit does not go even when his head is crushed.
A prostitute having many lovers leaves her husband and thus becomes unclaimed masterless.
If she gives birth to a son, he carries no maternal or paternal name with hint
She is a decorated and ornamental hell which deceives people by loving apparent charm and grace.
As the hunter's pipe attractes the deer, so do the songs of a prostitute allure men to their destruction.
Here in this world she dies an evil death and hereafter obtains no enterance into God's court.
Similar to her, who adheres not to one person the double-talker cunningly following two religious masters is always unhappy and like a fake rupee is exposed at the counter.
Ruined himself he ruins others.
For crow wandering from forest to forest is no merit though it considers itself very clever.
Dog having mud spots on the buttocks is at once recognised as a potter's pet.
Unworthy sons tell everywhere about the feats of forefathers (but do nothing themselves).
A leader who goes to sleep at the crossroads, gets his companions robbed (of their belongings).
Unseasonal rain and hail destroy the well rooted crop.
The suffering double talker is similar to a stubborn plaughing ox (who always gets whipped).
Ultimately such an ox is branded and abandoned in desolate places.
The evil double-talker is copper which looks like bronze.
Apparently, the bronze looks bright but even persisting washing cannot clean its inner blackness.
The pliers of blacksmith is double mouthed but being in the bad company (of the blacksmith) it destroys itself.
It goes in the hot furnance and the next moment it is put in cold water.
The colocynth gives a beautiful, piebald look but inside it remains poison.
Its bitter taste cannot be tolerated; it blisters the tongue and causes tears to trickle.
No garland is prepared of the oleander buds (for their being devoid of fragrance).
The evil person who is double-talker is always unhappy and is useless like an ostrich.
An ostrich can neither fly nor can be laden, but it strutts ostentatiously.
The elephant has one set of teeth for display and another for eating.
Goats have four teats, two on their necks and two attached to their udders.
The latter contain milk, the former deceive those who expect milk from them.
Peacocks have four eyes through which they behold but others know nothing about them.
So turning one's attention to two masters (religions) leads to disastrous failure.
Two-faced drum roped all around is beaten from both the sides.
Musical measures are played on rebeck but time and again its pegs are twisted.
Cymbals being paired strike each other and smash their heads and bodies.
The flute when empty from inside definitely chimes but when any other object enters into it (i.e. when duality enters it) an iron rod is pushed in it to clear it (it is put to trouble).
The golden vessel is got repaired but broken mud-pitcher is not formed again.
Engrossed in duality the individual putrefies and is scorched for ever.
An evil and dual-minded person suffers like the crane standing on one leg.
Standing in Ganges, it strangulates creatures to eat them and its sins are never washed out.
Colocynth may swim naked and bath at one pilgrimage centre after another,
But its action are so crooked that the poison in its heart never goes.
Beating the hole of a snake does not kill it, for it remains (safe) in the nether world.
The elephant coming out of water after a bath, again blows dust around its limbs.
The sense of duality is not at all a good sense.
Mind of the dual-faced is like useless sour milk.
On drinking it at first it tastes sweet but then its taste is bitter and it makes body diseased.
The double talker is that black bee which is friend of flowers but like fools supposes those flowers to be its permanent home.
Green but internally hallo sesame seed and the oleander bud have neither true beauty and colour nor any sensible person considers them of any use.
If reed grows up to the lenght of hundred hands even then it remains hollow internally producing noisy sound.
Despite their juxtaposition with sandal wood tree bamboos donot become fragrant, and destroy themselves by their mutual friction.
Such person at the door of Yama, the god of death, bear many a stroke of his rod.
The double-talker salutes bound by his compulsions, yet his posture is disliked.
Dhitighalt, a contraption to draw water from a pit or well comprising a wooden pole, bows only when a stone (as a counterweight) is tied to it.
On the other hand leather bag when tied only, brings out water from the well.
Working under some complusion is neither a merit nor a benevolence.
The two ended bow with an arrow on it, bends when pulled, but immediately on release, the arrow discharged strikes the head of someone.
Similarly, the hunter also bows on the sight of a deer and treacherously kills it with his arrow.
The criminal, thus, goes on committing crimes.
The double-headed arrow with tip at its head and feathers at the tail does not bend.
Double-faced spear also never bows and in the war gets itself arrogantly noticed.
Cannon made of eight metals neither bends nor explodes but demolishes the fort.
Double-edged sword of steel does not break and kills with both edges.
The encircling noose does not bow but ensnares many a horse-rider.
Iron rod being hard does not bend but meat pieces stringed on it are roasted.
Likewise, the'straight saw cuts the trees.
The akk, a poisonous plant of sandy region and thorn- apple though with branches lowered, yet do not discard their dubiety.
The hybrid plants apparently look blossommed but they have poisonous flowers and fruits which make them ill-reputed.
Drinking akk-milk, man dies. How could such secretion be called milk?
Out of their parts cotton-like pieces burst out and fly about.
Akkhoppers are also piebald; they too like the double-minded , are nowhere sheltered.
Eating thornapple man goes mad and people see him gathering straw in the world.
Ratak,small red and black seeds, also get pierced through for making garlands.
Pine tree grows in a forest and goes high and higher.
Its nodes burn in torches and none touches its scorned leaves.
No passerby sits under its shade because its long shadow falls over rough ground.
Its fruit also bursts forth in curly pieces like that of a ball made of rags and moves around.
Its wood is also not a good one, because it cannot bear water, air, sunshine and heat.
If fire breaks out in pine forest it does not extinguish soon and it further goes on burning itself in the fire of ego.
Giving it big size, God has made it useless and liable to destruction.
How wonderful it is that the sesame seed is black its flower white and plant is green.
Cutting it from near the root, it is put upsidedown in heap out in the field.
First it is thrashed on stone and then the sesame seeds are crushed through an oil press. Hemp and cotton have two ways.
One undertakes to perform benevolence and the other feels greatness in adopting evil propensities.
From cotton, after ginning and spinning, cloth is prepared which covers nudity of the people.
Hemp gets its skin peeled off and then ropes are made of it which feel no shame in binding the people.
Knavery of the knaves is just like guests. It has to depart soon.
Thorns grow on acacia and flowers and fruits on china-berry but they all are useless.
Both have colourful fruits but they cannot be mistaken for the bunch of grapes.
Fruit of castor is also beautiful and piebald but what can one expect from vacuos cactus?
Its red fruit is worthless just like the useless shade of silk-cotton tree.
The hard coconut yields its kernel only after its mouth is smashed. Mulberries are of white and black variety and their tastes are also different.
Similarly, the worthy and the unworthy sons are obedient and rebellious respectively, i.e. one provides happiness whereas the other one gives suffering.
Duality is always a bad policy of life.
The snake has jewel in its head but it knows not to yield it willingly i.e. for getting it, it has to be killed..
Likewise how can the musk of a deer be obtained while it is alive.
The furnace, only heats the iron, but a desired and fixed shape is given to iron only by hammering it.
Tuberous root yam becomes acceptable to the eaters and praised only after it has been refined with spices.
Betal leaf, betelnut, catechu and lime, when mixed together are identified by the beautiful colour of the mixture..
Poison in the hands of a physician becomes a medicine and animates the dead ones.
Unstable mercurial mind can be controlled by gurmukh alone.