One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
God himself created the true Guru Nanak.
Becoming Sikh of the Guru, Guru Angad joined this family.
Liked by the true Guru, Guru Amar Das became Sikh of the Guru.
Then Ram Das, the Sikh of the Guru came to be known as the Guru.
Thereafter came Guru Arjan as the disciple of the Guru (and got established as the Guru).
Hargobind, the Sikh of the Guru cannot remain concealed even if somebody wishes to (and this further means that all the Gurus had the same light).
The Gurmukh (Guru Nanak) by becoming the philosopher's stone made all the disciples venerable.
He illumined the people of all the varnas as the philosopher's stone converts all the right metals into gold.
By becoming sandalwood he made all the trees fragrant.
He accomplished the wonder of making disciple the Guru.
Extended his light similarly as a lamp is lit by another lamp.
As the water mixing with water becomes one, likewise deleting ego, the Sikh merges into the Guru.
The life of that Gurmukh is successful who has met the true Guru.
The Gurmukh who has surrendered before the Guru is a blest one and his fate is perfect one.
The true Guru, by giving him place around his feet has made him remember the name (of the Lord).
Now being detached, he remains at home and maya does not affect him.
By putting into practice the teachings of the Guru, he has realised he invisible Lord.
Losing his ego, the Guru-orientated Gurmukh has become liberated though still embodied.
The Gurmukhs erase their ego and never allow themselves to be noticed.
Effacing duality, they venerate only one Lord.
Accepting Guru as God they by cultivating the words of the Guru, translate them into life.
The Gurmukhs serve and attain the fruits of happiness.
This way receiving the cup of love,
They bear the effect of this unbearable in their mind.
The Guru-orientated gets up early in the morning and makes others also to do so.
Discarding delusions is equal to bathing at the holy places for him.
Gurmukh carefully and attentively recites the moolmantar.
The Gurmukh single-mindedly concentrates upon the Lord.
The red mark of love adorns his forehead.
Falling on the feet of the Sikhs of the Guru and thus through his own humility, he makes others surrender to his feet.
Touching the feet, the Sikhs of the Guru wash their feet.
Then they taste the ambrosial word (of Guru) through which the mind is controlled.
They fetch water, fan the sangat and put wood in the firebox of the kitchen.
They listen to, write and make others write the hymns of the Gurus.
They practice the remembrance of Lords name, charity and ablutions.
They walk in humility, speak sweetly, and eat the earning of their own hands.
The Sikhs of Guru meet the Sikhs of the Guru.
Bound by the loving devotion, they celebrate the anniversaries of the Guru.
For them, the Sikh of the Guru is the god, goddess and the father.
Mother, father, brother and the family also is the Sikh of the Guru.
Meeting to the Sikhs of the Guru is farming business as well as other gainful occupations for the Sikh.
The progeny of the swan like Sikhs of Guru is also the Sikh of the Guru.
The Gurmukhs never take to their heart the omen on the right or the left.
They do not retrace their steps while seeing a man or woman.
They do not pay attention to the crises of animals or sneezing.
Goddess and gods are neither served nor worshipped by them.
By not entangling in deceits, they do not allow their minds to wander.
The Gursikhs have sowed the seed of truth in the field of life and have made it fruitful.
For earning livelihood, the Gurmukhs keep in mind, the dharma and always remember the truth.
They know that the creator himself has created (and diffused) the truth.
That true Guru, the supreme one, compassionately has descended on earth.
Personifying the formless into the form of Word He has recited it for one and all.
The Guru has founded the high mound of the holy congregation known also as the abode of truth.
There only establishing the true throne he has made all to bow and salute.
The Sikhs of the Guru inspire the Sikhs of the Guru to serve.
Serving the holy congregation they receive the fruit of happiness.
Sweeping and spreading the sitting mats they bathe in the dust of the holy congregation.
They bring unused pitchers and fill them with water (to get it cold).
They bring sacred food (maha parshad), distribute it among others and eat.
Tree is there in the world and keeps its head downward.
It stands steadfast and maintains its head low.
Then becoming full of fruits it bears the stone-blows.
Further it gets sawed and causes to make ship.
Now it moves on the head of water.
Having borne iron-saw upon head, it carries the same iron (used in ship making) across the water.
With the help of iron the tree is cut and pruned and iron nails are stuck into it.
But the tree carry iron on its head keeps it floating on water.
The water also considering it its adopted son does not make it sink.
But the sandalwood is sunk intentionally to make it costlier.
The quality of goodness produces goodness and the whole world also remains happy.
I am sacrifice unto him who does good in return of evil.
Who accepts the order (will) of Lord makes the whole world accept His order (Hukam).
The order of the Guru is that the will of the Lord be accepted positively.
Drinking the cup of loving devotion, they visualise the invisible (Lord).
The Gurmukhs even having seen (realised) do not go on divulging this mystery.
Gurmukhs delete ego from the self and never allow themselves to be noticed.
The Guru-orientated ones acquire the fruit of happiness and spread its seeds all around.
Having the sight of the true Guru, the Sikh of the Guru concentrates upon Him.
Pondering upon the word of true Guru he cultivates knowledge.
He keeps to his heart the mantra and the lotus feet of Guru.
He serves the true Guru and consequently makes the whole world serve him.
The Guru loves disciple and disciple makes the whole world happy.
This way, that disciple creates a religion of the Gurmukhs and situates in his own self.
Guru has explained the technique of yoga to the Sikhs.
Remain detached amidst all the hopes and cravings.
Eat less food and drink little water.
Speak less and do not talk nonsensical.
Sleep less and do not be caught in any infatuation.
Being in the dream (state) is not enamored by greed; (They keep their mind focused on words or satsang only in their dreams, or say 'beautiful' objects or women, they stay alive, they don't get caught in love).
The sermon of the Guru is the earrings of a yogi.
Forgiveness is the patched blanket and in the beggar's bad is the name of the Lord of maya (God).
Humbly touching of the feet ashes.
Cup of love is the bowl, which is filled with the food of affection.
Knowledge is the staff with which the messengers of different propensities of mind are cultured.
Holy congregation is the tranquil cave wherein the yogi resides in equipoise.
The knowledge about the supreme is the trumpet (singi) of yogi and the recitation of the word is its playing upon.
The best assembly of gurmukhs i.e. the Ai panth, could be attained by settling in one's own home.
Such people (Gurmukhs) bow before the primal Lord and have the sight of the invisible (God).
The disciples and the Gurus have enrapt themselves in the mutual love for one another.
Getting above of the worldly affairs, they meet (their ultimate destiny) the Lord.
Having listened to the teaching of Guru,
The Sikh of Guru has called other Sikhs.
Adopting the teachings of the Guru,
The Sikh has recited the same to others.
The Sikhs of the Guru have liked the Sikhs and thus a Sikh has met the Sikhs.
The pair of the Guru and the disciple has conquered the world-game of oblong dice.
The chess players have spread the chess mat.
Elephants, chariots, horses and pedestrians have been brought in.
The groups of kings and ministers have gathered and are fighting tooth and nail.
The groups of kings and ministers have gathered and are fighting tooth and nail.
The Gurmukh by making a move has opened his heart before the Guru.
The Guru has lifted pedestrian to the rank of minister and has placed him in the palace of success (and thus has saved the life game of the disciple).
Under the natural law (fear of lord), the jiva (creature) is conceived (by mother) and in the fear (law) he is born.
In fear he comes in the shelter of the way (panth) of Guru.
In fear while in the holy congregation he earns the merit of the True Word
In fear (natural laws) he gets liberated in life and accepts the will of God happily.
In fear he leaves away this life and merges in equipoise.
In fear he settles in his self and attains the supreme Perfect Being.
Those who, accepting Guru as God have sought shelter in the Lord.
Those who have put their heart at the feet of Lord, never become perishable.
They, getting deeply rooted in the wisdom of Guru, attain themselves.
They adopt the daily routine of the Gurmukhs, and Gods Will becomes dear to them.
As Gurmukhs, losing their ego, they merge in the truth.
Their birth in the world is meaningful and they across the whole world also.