One Oankar, the primal energy, realized through the grace of the divine preceptor
I salute the true Guru who is the true king of kings.
The Holy congregation is the abode of truth where the gates of mind are opened.
The fountain of nectar flows here forever and the courtiers play the unstruck melody.
In the assembly of the kings it is very difficult to drink the cup of love.
The Guru becomes the beloved butler and makes one drink it, the delight of His tasted cup becomes multiplied.
Whosoever moves in the fear of loving devotion, he being carefree of the worldliness remains alert.
Kind to the devotees, God, becomes their caretaker and fulfils all their desires.
In Persian language only a point makes ‘mahram’ the confidant, a mujarim, the offender.
Gurmukhs remain exhilarated in the holy congregation and they do not like to go to other assemblies.
In the will of the Lord they serve vigorously and try not to make it public.
Such gurmukhs attain the fruit of happiness and giving up the pride of body, and becoming bodiless they become serious thinkers.
The word of the Guru is their idol and the holy congregation is the seat of the formless Lord.
Bowing before the primeval Purusa, in the ambrosial hours they chew the Word (gurbani).
To have knowledge of the dynamism of that unmanifest Lord is a very deep experience, and to say something of that ineffable Lord is a Herculean task.
Only Gurmukhs suffer while doing good to others.
The life of that gurmukh is fortunate whom meeting some Sikh of the Guru has come to the shelter of the Guru.
He bows before primeval Purusa (God) and becomes blessed after having the sight of such a Guru.
After circumambulation he bows on the lotus feet of Guru.
Becoming kind, the Guru recites true mantra Vaheguru for him.
The Sikh with his capital of devotion falls at the feet of Guru and the whole world bows at his feet.
God (the Guru) eradicates his lust, anger and resistance and gets his greed, infatuation and ego erased.
Instead, the Guru makes him practise truth, contentment, dharma, name, charity and ablution.
Adopting the teachings of the Guru, the individual is called a Sikh of the Guru.
Absorbing consciousness into the Word, the gurmukhs meet at the true meeting centre of the holy congregation.
They move in the will of the Lord and erasing their ego they do not make themselves to be noticed.
Inspired by the teachings of Guru they always remain eager to undertake the acts of public weal.
Quaffing the grand cup of the ineffable knowledge of the Lord and merging in equipoise, they bear the unbearable, ever-descending energy of the Lord.
They speak sweetly, move humbly and giving donations wish everybody well.
Decimating their dubiety and sense of duality, they with single mind adore that One Lord.
Gurmukhs know themselves in the form of the fruit of delight and attain the supreme bliss.
The discipleship of the Guru is very subtle like a sword edge and narrow alley.
Mosquito’s and ants cannot stand there.
It is thinner than hair and as the oil of sesame is obtained after crushing it in the crusher with great difficulty, the discipleship of the Guru is not obtained easily.
Gurmukhs are descendants of swans and separate water from milk with their beak of thoughtfulness.
Like licking of the salt-less stone they pick up the rubies and jewels to eat.
The gurmukhs repudiating all hopes and desires move on the way of detachment and tear down the veil of Maya.
Holy congregation, the abode of truth and throne of the true Lord is the manasarovar for the gurmukhs.
Climbing the steps of non-duality they adopt the Word of the formless Guru.
They enjoy His ineffable story like they enjoyment by a dumb person of the sweets.
Through the natural devotion, the gurmukhs attain the fruit of delight.
Gurmukhs having the desire of the fruits of delight with all love wash the feet of the guru.
They make cups of the nectar of lotus feet and quaff it with complete delight.
Considering the feet of the Guru as sum they blossom like lotus.
Again becoming water lily attracted towards moon, they enjoy nectar from the lotus feet.
To have the fragrance of the lotus feet many suns become black bees.
Wen the sun rises, myriad stars, unable to maintain themselves, hide.
Likewise with the light of petals of lotus feet, myriad suns are concealed.
Receiving the teaching of the Guru, the disciples have themselves become the house of all pleasures.
As in betel leaf all the colours mix and become one red colour, likewise mixing all the varnas one Sikh has been created.
Eight metals mixing up make one metal (alloy); similarly there is no difference among Vedas and the Katebas (the Semitic scriptures).
The sandal perfumes the whole vegetation whether it is devoid of fruit or full of fruit.
Touching the philosopher’s stone, iron becoming gold, again points towards its further beauty (of making itself useful for the needy ones).
Then in gold in the form of gurmukh, the colour (of Name) and elixir (of love) enter and he becomes carefree of the world around.
Now all the qualities of rubies, pearls, diamonds emerge in that gold-gurmukh.
Becoming divine body and divine sight the consciousness of gurmukh concentrates on the light of the divine Word.
Thus, adopting the delight of devotion, the gurmukhs become full of many delights.
Gurmukhs (people) are lovers of Atm Sukh Phal.
Quaffing the cup of love in the holy congregation, the Sikhs of Guru absorb their consciousness in the Word.
As the bird chakor meditates on moon to enjoy cool, from their sight also pours the nectar.
Listening to the roar of clouds they dance like rain bird and peacock.
To taste the nectar of the lotus feet they turn themselves into the black bee and become one with the storehouse of delight (of the Lord).
The way of the gurmukhs is not known to anybody; similar to fish they live in the ocean of happiness.
They drink nectar; from them gush forth the springs of nectar; they assimilate the unbearable but still they do not make them noticed by any one.
Going across all the stages (of three-dimensional nature-prakarti) they attain the fruits of delights.
Wondrous is the Vaheguru whose greatness is grand.
Tortoise lays its eggs in the sands but having full care of them on their maturity, it brings them into the river.
The florican also under its full care makes its off spring fly in the sky.
The swan also in its very natural way teaches its young ones to move on water as well as on earth.
The crow maintains the offspring’s of cuckoo but as and when they grow up, they, identifying the voice of their mother, go and meet her.
The progeny of swans learn to pick up pearls while living in the Manasarovar, the sacred tank.
Giving the technique of knowledge, meditation and remembrance to the Sikh, the Guru liberates him forever.
The Sikh now knows the future, present and past but he gets honours by becoming humble.
The ilk of the gurmukhs is grand but people do not know this fact.
With the fragrance of sandalwood the whole vegetation becomes sandal.
Though itself the sandal is without fruit but it is always considered as costly.
But the plant, which becomes sandal through the fragrance of sandal, cannot make any other plant sandal.
Eight metals touching the philosopher’s stone becomes gold but that gold cannot produce further gold.
All this is performed in the present only (but the Sikh of Guru makes many like himself; they further become competent to transform others into a Sikh way of life).
Rivers, streams and even the Ganges become brackish in the company of ocean.
The crane never becomes swan even if it sits at Manasarovar.
It so happens because an ordinary person remains always involved in the counts of twenties and more i.e. money.
Crossing the stairs of identities, the gurmukh under the guidance of the Guru comes to reside in his own true nature.
Holy congregation, the source of remembrance of the Lord, His sight and touch, is the abode of equipoise.
Holy congregation is such a gold whose ingredients i.e. people therein, once known fir their qualities of iron have now become gold and are seen as gold.
Even margosa tree, Azadirachta indica, becomes sandal in the company of sandal tree.
Water made dirty by feet also becomes pure when it meets the Ganges.
Any crow of good breed may become swan but rare is the swan, which becomes supreme swan of rare and highest order.
Born in the family of gurmukh is the paramhans (man of highest spiritual order), who separate milk and water of truth and falsehood by his discerning wisdom.
(In the holy congregation) the disciple is the Guru and the Guru (most humbly) becomes disciple.
As the offspring of tortoise are not affected by sea waves so is the case of the Sikhs of Guru; they are not influenced by the waves of the World Ocean.
Florican bird flies comfortably along with its offspring in the sky but the sky does not look abysmal to it.
The progeny of swans reside in the all potent Manasarovar.
The goose and nightingale separate their progeny from hens and crows respectively and though living among milkman Krishna ultimately went to Vasudev; likewise, the gurmukh giving up all the evil propensities goes to merge in the holy congregation.
As the female ruddy sheldrake and redlegged partridge meet sun and moon respectively gurmukh also crossing the maya of Siva and Sakti attains the highest state of equipoise.
The anal bird recognises its offspring even without any basis for its identification.
It is the state of Sikh who merging his consciousness in the Word, identifies the true love (of the Lord).
The gurmukhs identify and establish the fruits of delight.
From the very childhood Guru Nanak) liberated detached natured Taru, a Sikh of popat clan.
One Mula of a wonderful nature was there; he would conduct as the servant of the servants of Guru.
Pirtha and Kheda of soiri caste also got merged in equipoise because of the shelter of the feet of Guru.
Mardana, the bard and witty person and a good player of Rabab in assemblies was a disciple of Guru Nanak.
Pirthi Malu of Sahagalu caste and Rama, (the devotee of Didi caste) were of detached nature.
Daulat Khan Lodhi was a nice person who later came to be known as a living pir, the spiritualist.
Malo and Manga were two Sikhs who would remain always absorbed in the joy of Gurbani, the holy hymns.
Kalu, the Kshtriya, having many wishes and desires in his heart came to the Guru and under the influence of Gurbani, got regards in the court of the Lord.
The wisdom of the Guru, i.e. the Gurmat, spread the loving devotion all round.
A devotee named Bhagata if Ohari caste and Bhagat of Japuvansi family were two sikhs that served the Guru.
Sihan, the Uppal, and another devotee of Uppal caste were very dear to the true Guru.
One Bhagirath of Malsihan town was there who earlier was a devotee of Kali, the goddess.
Jita of Randhava was also a fine Sikh and Bhai Budda, whose earlier name was Bura, would remember the Lord with single devotion.
Bhai Phirana of Khaira caste, Jodh and Jiva always remained absorbed in the service of the Guru.
One Lohar caste Sikh named Gujjar was there who preached Sikhism to the Sikhs of the Guru.
Dhinga, the barber, serving the Guru got his whole family liberated.
The gurmukhs having sight of the Lord themselves, make others also to have the same glimpse.
A sikh of high order (paramhans) Bhai Paro was there of Julka caste on whom the Guru was full of grace.
Sikh named Mallu was very brave and Bhai Kedara was a great devotee.
I am sacrifice unto Bhai Dev , Bhai Naryan Das, Bhai Bula and Bhai Dipa.
Bhai Lalu, Bhai Durga and Jivanda were gems among the wisemen and, all three were altruists.
Jagga and Dharani subcaste and Sansaru was one with the formless Lord.
Khanu and Mayya were father and son and Govind of Bhandari sub caste was an appreciator of the meritorious ones.
Jodh, the cook, served the Guru and swam across the world ocean.
The perfect Guru maintained their honour.
Puran Satguru gave (His devotees) the right to ride.
Pirathi Mal, Tulasa and Malhan were devoted to the service of the Guru.
Ramu, Dipa, Ugarsain, Nagori would concentraye opon the world of the Guru.
Mohan, Ramu, the Mehta, Amaru and Gopi had erased their sense of ego.
To Saharu and Gangu of Bhalla caste and to Bhagu, the devotee, the devotion of the Lord was very dear.
Khanu, Chhura, Taru, had swum (the world ocean).
Ugar, Sud, Puro Jhanta, became the ones who took off the cross (Gurmukh).
Many Courtiers of the Gurus court such as Mallia, Saharu, Bhallas and calico-printers have happened.
Pandha and Bula are known as the singer and the writer of the hymns of the Guru.
Grand was the assemblage of Dalla inhabitants.
Bhai Tirtha was the leaderamong all the Sikhs of Sabharval sub- caste.
Bhai Piro, Manik Chjand and Bisan Das have become base of the whole family i.e. they have got liberated the whole family.
Taru, Bharu Das, the Sikhs at the door of the Guru are held as ideals for all the Sikhs.
Mahanand is a great man and Bidhi Chand has a pious wisdom.
Braham Das is of Khotra caste and Dungar Das is known as Bhalla.
Other are Dipa, jetha,Tiratha, Saisaru and Bula whose conduct is truthful.
Maia, Japa and Naia are known to come from Khullar sub-caste .
Tulasa Bohra is known as inspired by the teachings of the Guru.
The true Guru alone chisels one and all.
Bhai puria, Chaudhari Chuhar, Bhai Paira and Durga Das are known for their charitable nature.
Bala and Kisana of Jhigran caste adore the assemblies of wise men.
Brave is Tiloko of Suhar caste and Samunda, another Sikh, always remains before the Guru.
Bhai Kulla and Bhai Bhulla of Jhanji caste, and Bhai Bhagirath of Soni caste maintain a truthful conduct.
Lau and Balu are Vij and Haridas remains always happy.
Nihalu and Tulsia are for bearing and Bula Chandia are full of many virtues.
TodaTota and Maddu from Mehta family of Gokha city are contemplator of the Word of Guru.
Jhanju, Mukand and Kedara perform kirtan, sing Gurbani before the Guru.
The grandeur of the holy congregation is obvious.
Gangu is a barber and Rama, Dharma, Uda are Sahgal brothers.
Bhai Jattu, Bhattu, Banta, and Phirana are Sud brothers and love each other very much.
Bholu, Bhattu and Tivari give happiness to others and are known as the Sikhs of the court of the Guru.
Dalla , Bhagi , Japu and Nivala have come to the shelter of the Guru.
Mula, Suja of Dhavan caste and Chandu of Chaujhar caste have served (in the guru-court).
Ram Das was Guru's cook Bala and Sai Das (the Guru's) Dhyani.
The fishermen Bisanu, Bibara and Sundar presenting themselves to the Guru have adopted the teachings of the Guru.
Great is the grandeur of the holy congregation.
(Chai chaile = lovers. Suchare = good deeds.)
Along with Nihala, Jattu, Bhanu and Tiratha of Chaddha caste love the Guru very dearly.
They are close servants who always remain before the Guru.
Nau and Bhallu are known as Sadhus of Sekhar caste and are Sikhs of good conduct.
Jattu of Bhiva caste and the greatman Mula along with his family are the Sikhs of the Guru.
Chatur Das and Mula are kalpur Kshatryias and Haru and Garu belong to Vij caste.
A Sikh named Phirana is of Bahal subcaste and Bhai Jetha is a pretty good liberator of the family.
Vissa, Gopi, Tulasis et al. all belong to Bhardvaj (brahmin) family and always remain with the Guru.
Bhaiara and Govind are devotees belonging to Ghai Caste. They remain at the door of the Guru.
The perfect Guru has fetched across the world ocean.
(Sara=excellent. Balihara=I go to Varna.)
Bhai Kalu, Chau, Bammi and Bhai Mula love the Word of the Guru.
Along with Homa, the cotton trader, Goving Ghai was also taken across by the Guru.
Bhikkha and Todi both were Bhatts and Dharu Sud had a large mansion.
Gurmukh of Kohli caste and Ramu along with servant Nihalu are also there.
Chhaju was Bhalla and Mai Ditta was a poor sadhu.
Devotte Tulasa is of Bohara caste and I am sacrifice unto Damodar and Akul.
Bhana, Vigah Mal and Buddho, the calicoprinter have also come to the court of the Guru.
Sultanpur is the warehouse of devotion (and devotees).
An obedient Sikh named Dipa of Kasara caste was a lamp at the door of the Guru.
In the town of Patti, Bhai lal and Bhai Langah of Dhillon caste are well seated.
Ajab, Ajaib and Umar belonging to Sangha caste are the servants (masands) of the Guru.
Paira is of Chhajal caste and Kandu belongs to Sanghar caste. They greet everybody with a warming smile.
Kapur Dev along with his son gets blossomed when he meets the Sikhs.
In Shahbazpur, Saman takes care of the Sikhs.
Jodha and Jalan in Tulaspur and Mohan lives in Alam Ganj.
These big masands surpass one another.
Bhai Dhesi amd Bhai Jodha and Husang brahmins and Bhai Gobind and Gola meet with smiling faces.
Mohan is said to be of Kuk caste and Jodha and Jama adorn Dhutta village.
Manjh, the blest one and pirana et al. conduct in the will of the Guru.
Bhai Hamaja, said to be Jaja, and Bala, the Marvaha behave delightfully.
Nano Ohari is of pure mind and along with him remains Suri, the Chaudhary.
Inhabitants of mountains are Bhai kala and Mehara and with them Bhai Nihalu also serves.
Brown coloured Kalu is brave and Ram Das belonging to kad caste is obeyer of the words of the Guru.
Rich person Subhaga resides in Chuhania town and with him are Bhag Mal and Ugvanda, the Arora Sikhs.
All these are devotees surpassing one another.
Paira of Chandali caste and Jetha of Sethi caste and such Sikhs who do manual labour.
Bhai Latakan, Ghura, Gurditta are fellow disciples of the Gurmat.
Bhai Katara is a gold merchant and Bhai Bhagavan Das is of devotional nature.
Inhabitant of Rohtas village and belonging to Dhavan caste, a Sikh named Murari has come in the shelter of the Guru.
Adit, the brave belonging to Soni caste and Chuhar and Sain Das also have sought the shelter of the Guru.
Along with Nihal, Lala (Lalu) also knows how to merge consciousness in Word.
Rama is said to be of Jhanjhi caste. Hemu also has adopted the wisdom of the Guru.
Jattu Bhandari is a good Sikh and this whole congregation lives in Shahadara (Lahore) happily.
Greatness of the house of the Guru resides in Punjab.
In Lahore from the family of Sodhis the elderly uncle Sahari Mal is the close Sikh of the Guru.
Sain Ditta of Jhanjhi caste and Saido, the Jatt, are thinkers of the Word of the Guru.
From the family of potters Sadhu Mehta is known to be the devotees of the formless.
From among the Patolis, Bhai Lakhu and Bhai Ladha are the altruists.
Bhai kalu and Bhai Nano, both masons, and from among the Kohlis, Bhai Hari is a grand Sikh.
Kalyana Sud is the brave one and Bhanu, the devotee is a thinker of the Guru’s Word.
Mula Beri, Tirtha and Munda Apar know the Sikhs.
A devotee from Mujang is known by the name of Kisana and I am sacrifice unto Mangina, the wealthy person.
A goldsmith named Nihalu along with his family remains present before the Guru.
These all have performed delight giving perfect devotion bestowed by the Guru.
Bhana Malhan and Rekh Rao, the fellow disciples of the Guru are known to be residing in Kabul.
Madho Sodhi made the Sikh tradition in vogue in Kashmir.
The truly devoted and close Sikhs are Bhai Bhiva, Sih Chand and Rup Chand (of Sirhind).
Bhai Partapu is a brave Sikhs and Vithar caste Bhai Nanda has also served the Guru.
Bhai Sami Das of Bachher caste inspired the congregation of Thanesar towards the house of the Guru.
Gopi, a Mehta Sikh is a well known and Tirath and Natha have also come in the shelter of the Guru.
Bhai Bhau, Mokal, Bhai Dhilli and Bhai Mandal are also said to have been bapitised in the Gurmat.
Bhai Jivanda, Bhai Jagasi and Tiloka have served well at fatehpur.
Great is the grandeur of the true Guru.
Saktu Mehta and Nihalu Chaddha of Agra have become blest.
Bhai Garhial and Mathara Das and their families are said to have been dyed in the red colour of love for the Guru.
Ganga belonging to Sahagal caste is brave and Harbans, the hermit serves in the dharamsala, the inn for the pilgrims.
Murari of Anand caste is a saint of high order and Kalyana is the house of love and pure like lotus.
Bhai Nano, Bhai Latakan and Bind Rao have served the congregation with full labour and love.
Alam Chand Handa, Sainsara Talvar are the Sikhs who live with all happiness.
Jagana and Nanda both are sadhus and Bhana of Suhar caste is competent like swan to have discerned from the real from false.
These, all fellow disciples of the Guru, are like the jewels of a string.
Sigaru and Jaita are nice brave and of the altruistic bent of mind.
Bhai Jaita, Nanda and Piraga have accepted Word as the basis of all.
Tiloka Pathak is the glorious mark that considers holy congregation and its service as the benevolent.
Tota Mehata is a great man and like Gurmukhs loves the delightful fruit of the Word.
The whole of the family of Bhai Sain Das is like invaluable diamonds and jewels.
Noble Paira, the Kohali is the store keeper of the court of the Guru.
Mian Jamal has become glad and Bhagatu is busy in devotion.
The behaviour of the perfect Guru with the Sikhs is the perfect one.
Pravartara Purana (used among Sikhs) of Pura Guru.
Ananta and Kuko are good persons who adorn the occasions.
Ita Arora, Naval and Nihalu ponder upon the Word.
Takhatu is serious and serne and Daragahu Tuli is always absorbed in remembering the formless Lord.
Manasadhar is deep and Tirath Uppal is also servant.
Kisana Jhanji and Pammi Puri are also dear to the Guru.
Dhingar and Maddu artisans are carpenters and are very noble persons.
I am sacrifice unto Banavari and Paras Ram who are experts in paediatrics.
The supreme Lord sets right the wrongs done to the devotees.
Bhai Tiratha is from Laskar and Hari Das Soni belongs to Gwalior.
Bhava Dhir comes from Ujjain and resides in Word and the holy congregation.
Famous are the Sikhs of Burhan Pur who love one another and reside in the equipoise.
Bhagat Bhaia Bhagvan Das is the devotee and with him is a Sikh named Bodala who lives in his home becoming fully detached.
Kataru, the noble one and physician Piathimal are especially well known personalities.
Devotee Chhura and Dallu are said to be the inhabitants of Haryana.
Sundar and Swami Das both are developers of the tradition of Sikhism and live always like a blossomed lotus.
Bhikhari, Bhavara and Sulas are Gujarati Sikhs.
All these Sikhs consider loving devotion as their way of life.
In village Suhanda is Bhai maia of lamb caste who sings the holy hymns in the holy congregation.
Chuhar of Chaujhar caste from Lucknow is gurmukh who remembers Lord day and night.
Bhai Bhana of Prayag is a close Sikh who earns his livelihood.
Jattu and Tappa, the residents of Jaunpur have served in accordance with Gurmat with stable mind.
In Patna Bhai naval and among Sabhaervals Nihala is a pious person.
One wealthy person is known by the name of Jaita who likes nothing except the service of the Guru.
Of Rajmahal city is Bhanu Bahal whose mind is absorbed in the wisdom of the Guru and the loving devotion.
Badali Sodhi and Gopal, the rich persons understand the Gurmat.
Sundar Chaddha of Agra and Bhai Mohan a resident of Dhakka have served and cultivated the true earning.
I am sacrifice unto the holy congregation.