One Oankar,the primal energy, realized through the grace of divine preceptor
The formless Lord who is without any anchor and is imperceptible, has not made himself fully known to anyone.
From unembodiment He assumed the form by himself and becoming Oankar
He created infinite wondrous forms.
In the form of the true name (ndm) and becoming the creator, He came to be known as the protector of His own reputation.
Through three dimensional maya He nourishes one and all.
He is the creator of the cosmos and prescribes its destiny.
He is the basis of all, the incomparable One.
None has ever disclosed the date, the day and month (of creation).
Even the Vedas and other scriptures could not fully explain His thoughts.
Who without any props, and uncontrolled by habit has created behavioural patterns?
How the swan reaches the heights of sky?
Wondrous is the mystery of wings which made the swan to soar at such heights.
How did Dhruv in the form of immovable star mount the sky?
It is a mystery how a humble eschewing ego acquires honour in life.
Only the gurmukh who has meditated upon Lord is accepted in His court.
In order to know Him, people put in extreme efforts but could not know His extant.
Those who went out to know His bounds could never return.
To know Him, myriads of people have remained wandering in illusions.
That primeval Lord is the grand wonder whose mystery cannot be understood by mere listening.
His waves, shades etc are limitless.
The imperceptible Lord who has created all through His single vibration cannot be perceived.
I am sacrifice unto that creator, whose maya is this creation.
The Guru has made me understand that God alone knows about His own self (none else can know Him).
The true Creator as the Truth is pervading one and all.
Out of Truth He created air and (in the form of vital air) is residing in all
From air was created water which always remains humble i.e. it. always moves down wards.
Earth as a raft is made to float on water.
From water emerged fire which spread throughout the whole vegetation.
By virtue of this very fire (heat) the trees became. full of fruits
In this way, air, water and fire were integrated under the order of that primaeval Lord
And thus was this game of creation arranged.
Flow great is the'truth that it is liked by that true One (God).
How vast is the air that moves in all the four directions.
Fragrance is placed in sandal which makes other trees also fragrant.
Bamboos burn by their own friction and destroy their own abode.
The forms of the bodies have become visible y the association of Siva and Sakti.
One distinguishes between the cuckoo and the crow by listening to their voice.
He created the four life-mines and endowed them worthy speech and judiciously gifted breaths.
He made the A's accept the five gross varieties of the (subtle) unstuck Word and thus on the beat of drum He pronounced His supremacy over all.
Music, melody, dialogue and knowledge make man a conscious being.
By disciplining the nine gates of the body one is called a sadhu.
Transcending the worldy illusions he stabilizes within his self.
Prior to this, he was running after various practices of hath yoga,
Such as the rechak, purak, kumbhak, tratak, nyolrand bhujarig asan.
He practised different processes of breathing like ire', pirigala and susumna.
He perfected their khechari and chachari postures.
Through such mysterious sport he establishes himself in the equipoise.
The breath going ten fingers out the mind is associated with the vital air the practice is completed.
The imperceptible soham (I am He) is ualised in equipoise.
In this state of equipoise, the rare drink of ever-wing cascade is quaffed.
Getting absorbed in the unstruck melody a mysterious sound is heard.
Through silent prayer, one merges in the Suny (Lord)
And in that perfect mental tranquillity egoism is done away with.
The gurmukhs drink from the cup of love and establish themselves in their own real self.
Meeting the Guru, the Sikh achieves the perfect completeness.
As the lamp is lit from the flame of another lamp;
As sandal's fragrance makes the whole vegetation fragrant
As the water mixing with water acquires the status of trivevi(the confluence of three rivers - Gatiga; Yamuna and Sarasvati);
As air after meeting the vital air becomes unstruck melody;
As a diamond being perforated by another diamond gets stringed into a necklace;
A stone by becoming the philosopher's stone performs its feat and
As an anil bird getting birth in the sky promotes the work of its father;
Likewise the Guru making the Sikh meet the Lord establishes him in the equipoise.
How great is His one vibration which has created the whole expanse of the world!
How big is His weighing hook that it has sustained the whole creation!
Creating crores of universes He has spread around His power of speech.
Lakhs of earths and skies He kept hanging without support.
Million types of airs, waters and fires He created.
He created the game of eighty four lakhs of species.
No end is known of the creatures of even one species.
He has engraved writ on the forehead of all so that they all meditate upon the Lord who is beyond writ.
The true Guru has recited (to the disciples) the true name.
Gurmurati,the word of the Guru is the real object to meditate upon.
The holy congregation is such a refuge where the truth adorns the place.
In the court of the true justice, the order of the Lord prevails.
The village (abode) of the Gurmukhs is the truth which has been habitated with the Word (Sabad).
The ego is decimated there and the (pleasure giving) shade of humility is obtained there.
Through the wisdom of Guru (Gurmati) the unbearable truth is instilled into the heart.
I am sacrifice unto him who loves the Will of the Lord.
Gurmukhs accept the will of that Lord as truth and they love His will.
Bowing at the feet of the true Guru, they shed their sense of ego.
As disciples, they please the Guru and the heart of the Gum becomes happy.
The gurmukh realises the imperceptible Lord spontaneously.
The Sikh of Guru has no greed at all and he earns his livelihood by the labour of his hands.
Merging his consciousness into the word he obeys the commands of the Lord.
Crossing beyond the worldly illusions he abides in his own real self.
This way, the gurmukhs having attained the pleasure fruit absorb themselves in equipoise.
Gurmukhs knew very well about the one Guru (Nanak) and one disciple (Guru Angad).
By becoming the true Sikh of the Guru, this disciple virtually merged himself into the latter.
The true Guru and the disciple were identical (in spirit) and their Word was also one.
This is the wonder of the past and the future that they (both) loved the truth.
They were beyond all accounts and were honour of the humble ones.
For them, the nectar and poison were the same and they had got liberated from the cycle of transmigration
Recorded as the model of special virtues, they are known as the extremely honourable ones.
The wonderful fact is that the sikh of the Guru became the Guru.
Gurmukhs drink the unbearable Cup of love filled to the brims and being in the presence of the all;
Pervading Lord they perceive the imperceptible.
The one who resides in all hearts is dwelling in their hearts.
The love creeper of their's has become full of fruits as the seedling of grape turns out to be fruitful vine.
Becoming sandal, they provide coolness to one and all.
Their cool is like the coolness of sandal, moon, and camphor.
Associating the sun (rajas) with the moon (sattv) they assuage its heat.
They put on their forehead the dust of the lotus feet
And come to know the creator as the root cause of all the causes.
When flame (of knowledge) flashes in their heart, the unstruck melody starts ringing.
The power of the one vibration of the Lord transcends all limits.
The wonder and power of Oankft is indescribable.
It is with His support that millions of rivers carrying life water go on flowing.
In His creation, the gurmukhs are known as invaluable diamonds and rubies
And they remain steadfast in gurmati and are accepted with honour in the court of the Lord.
The path of the gurmukhs is straight and clear and they reflect the truth.
Myriad poets desire to know the mystery of His Word.
The gurmukhs have quaffed the dust of the feet of Gum like amrit.
This tale is also ineffable.
I am sacrifice unto that creator whose value cannot be estimated.
How could anybody tell how old is He?
What could I tell about the powers of theLord who enhances the honour of the humble ones.
Myriads of earths and skies are not equal to an iota of His.
Millions of universes are wonderstruck to see His power.
He is king of the kings and His ordinance is obvious.
Millions of oceans subsume in His one drop.
Explanations and elaborations pertaining to Him are incomplete (and fake) because His story is ineffable.
Gurmukhs know well how to move according to the command, hukam of the Lord.
Gurmukh has ordained that community (panth), who moves in the will of Lord.
Becoming contented and true to faith they gratefully thank the Lord.
Gurmukhs perceive His wondrous sport.
They behave innocently like children and eulogize the primaeval Lord.
They merge their consciousness in the holy congregation and truth do they love.
Identifying the word they get liberated and
Loosing their sense of ego they perceive their inner selves.
The dynamism of the Guru is unmanifest and unfathomable.
It is so deep and sublime that its extent cannot be known.
As from each drop become many tumultuous rivulets,
Likewise the ever-growing glory of gurmukhs becomes ineffable.
His shores near and far cannot be known and He is adorned in infinite ways.
The comings and goings cease after entering the court of the Lord i.e. one becomes liberated from the bondage of transmigration.
The true Guru is totally carefree yet He is the power of the powerless ones.
Blessed is the true Guru, seeing whom all feel wonderstruck
Holy congregation is the abode of truth where gurmukhs go to reside.
Gurmukhs adore the grand and powerful true name (of the Lord).
There skillfully they enhance their inner flame (of knowledge).
Having seen the whole universe I have found that none reaches His grandeur.
He who has come to the shelter of the holy congregation has no longer the fear of death.
Even the horrible sins are decimated and one escapes going to the hell.
As the rice comes out of husk, similarly whosoever goes to the holy congregation gets liberated.
There, homogenous truth prevails and falsehood remains far behind.
Bravo to the Sikhs of Gum who have refined their lives.
The right living of the Sikhs of the Guru is that they love the Guru.
Gurumukhs remember the name of the Lord with every breath and every morsel.
Epudiating pride they remain detached amidst maya.
Gurmukhs consider hemselves as the servant of the servants and service only is their true conduct.
Pondering upon the Word, they remain neutral towards hopes.
Eschewing stubbornness of mind, gurmukhs reside in equipoise.
Enlightened of gurmukhs salvages many a fallen one.
Those gurmukhs are acclaimed who have found the true Guru.
Practising the Word, they have emancipated their whole families.
Gurmukhs have the Will of God and they work according to the truth.
Eschewing ego, they obtain the door of liberation.
The gurmukhs have made the mind understand the principle of altruism.
The base of gurmukhs is truth and they (finally) get absorbd into truth.
Gurmukhs are not scared of public opinion
And this way they visualise that imperceptible Lord.
Touching the philosopher's stone in the form of gurmukh all the eight metals transform into gold i.e. all the people become pure.
Like the fragrance of sandal they permeate all the trees i.e. they adopt one and all as their own.
They are like Ganges in which all the rivers and rivulets merge and become full of vitality.
Gurmukhs re the swans of Manasamvar who are not perturbed by other cravings.
The Sikhs of the Guru are the paramharisas, the swans of the highest order
So do not mix up with ordinary ones and their sight is not easily available.
Craving reposed in the shelter of Guru, even the so called untouchables become honourable.
The company of the holy, forms the regime of Truth everlasing.