Somewhere someone is without suffering and ailment,
Somewhere someone follows the path of devotion closely.
Somewhere someone is poor and someone a prince,
Somewhere someone is incarnation of Ved Vyas. 18.48.
Some Brahmins recite Vedas,
Some Sheikhs repeat the Name of the Lord.
Somewhere there is a follower of the path of Bairag (detachment) ,
And somewhere one follows the path of Sannyas (asceticism),somewhere someone wanders as an Udasi (stoic).19.49.
Know all the Karmas (actions) as useless,
Consider all the religious paths of no value.
Without the prop of the only Name of the Lord,
All the Karmas be considered as illusion.20.50.
The Lord is in water!
The Lord is on land!
The Lord is in the heart!
The Lord is in the forests! 1. 51.
The Lord is in the mountains!
The Lord is in the cave!
The Lord is in the earth!