Sing the song of praise in your true home; meditate there on the True Lord forever.
They alone meditate on You, O True Lord, who are pleasing to Your Will; as Gurmukh, they understand.
This Truth is the Lord and Master of all; whoever is blessed, obtains it.
Says Nanak, sing the true song of praise in the true home of your soul. ||39||
Listen to the song of bliss, O most fortunate ones; all your longings shall be fulfilled.
I have obtained the Supreme Lord God, and all sorrows have been forgotten.
Pain, illness and suffering have departed, listening to the True Bani.
The Saints and their friends are in ecstasy, knowing the Perfect Guru.
Pure are the listeners, and pure are the speakers; the True Guru is all-pervading and permeating.
Prays Nanak, touching the Guru's Feet, the unstruck sound current of the celestial bugles vibrates and resounds. ||40||1||