Waaheguru is Omnipresent
Every morning and evening, my heart and soul,
My head and forehead with faith and clarity (1)
Shall sacrifice for my Guru,
And sacrifice with humility by bowing my head millions of times. (2)
Because, he created angels out of ordinary human beings,
And, he elevated the status and honor of the earthly beings. (3)
All those honored by Him are, in fact, the dust of His feet,
And, all gods and goddesses are willing to sacrifice themselves for Him. (4)
Even though, thousands of moons and suns might be shinig,
Still the whole world will be in pitch darkness without Him. (5)
Holy and chaste Guru is the image of Akaalpurakh Himself,
That is the reason that I have settled Him inside my heart. (6)
Those persons who do not contemplate Him,
Take it that they have wasted the fruit of their heart and soul for nothing. (7)
This field loaded with cheap fruits,
When he looks at them to his heart's content, (8)
Then he gets a special kind of pleasure to look at them,
And, he runs towards them to pluck them. (9)
However, he does not get any results from his fields,
And, returns disappointed hungry, thirsty and debilitated. (10)
Without Satguru, you should consider everything to be like as if
The field is ripe and grown but full of weeds and thorns. (11)
Pehlee Paatshaahee (Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji). The first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak Dev Ji, was the one who glistened the true and all-powerful refulgence of the Almighty and to highlight the significance of knowledge of complete faith in Him. He was the one who elevated the flag of eternal spirituality and eliminated the darkness of ignorance of divine enlightenment and who took upon his own shoulders the responsibility of propagating the message of Akaalpurakh. Beginning from the earliest time to the present world, everyone considers himself to be the dust at his door; The highest-ranked, the Lord, Himself sings his praises; and his disciple-student is the divine lineage of Waaheguru Himself. Every fourth and sixth angel is unable to describe Guru's eclat in their expressions; and his radiance filled flag is flying over both the worlds. Examples of his command are the brilliant rays emanating from the Provident and when compared to him, millions of suns and moons get drowned in the oceans of darkness. His words, messages and orders are the supreme for the people of the world and his recommendations rank absolutely first in both the worlds. His true titles are the guide for both the worlds; and his true disposition is the compassion for the sinful. The gods in the court of Waaheguru consider it a privilege to kiss the dust of his lotus feet and the angles of the higher court are slaves and servitors of this mentor. Both the N's in his name depict nurturer, nourisher ans neighborly (boons, support and benefactions); the middle A represents the Akaalpurakh, and the last K represents the Ultimate great prophet. His mendicancy raises the bar of detachment from the worldly distractions to the highest level and his generosity and benevolence prevails all over both the worlds.
Waaheguru is the Truth,
Waaheguru is Omnipresent
His name is Nanak, the emperor and his religion is the truth,
And that, there has not been another prophet like him who emanated in this world. (13)
His mendicancy (by precept and practice) lifts the head of saintly living to lofty heights,
And, in his view, everyone should be prepared to venture his life for the principles of truth and noble deeds. (14)
Whether special person of high status or ordinary people, whether angels or
Whether onlookers of the heavenly court, all of them are desirous-petitioners of the dust of his lotus feet. (15)
When God Himself is showering praises on him, what can I add to that?
In fact, how should I travel on the path of approbations? (16)
Millions from the world of souls, the angels, are his devotees,
And, millions of people from this world are also his disciples. (17)
Gods of the metaphysical world are all willing to sacrifice themselves for him,
And, even all the angels of the spiritual world are also prepared to follow suit. (18)
People of this world are all his creations as angels,
And, his glimpse is clearly manifested on the lips of everyone. (19)
All his associates enjoying his company become knowledgeable (of spiritualism)
And, they begin to describe the glories of Waaheguru in their speeches. (20)
Their honor and esteem, status and rank and name and imprints stay in this world forever;
And, the chaste Creator bestows upon them a higher rank than others. (21)
When the prophet of both the world addressed
Through his benefaction, the all-powerful Waaheguru, he said (22)
Then he said, "I am Your servitor, and I am Your slave,
And, I am the dust of the feet of all of Your ordinary and special people." (23)
Thus when he addressed Him like this (in stark humility)
Then he got the same response again and again. (24)
"That I, the Akaalpurkh, abide in you and I do not recognize anyone other than you,
Whatever I, the Waheeguru, desire, I do; and I do only the justice." (25)
"You should show the meditation (of my Naam) to the entire world,
And, make every one chaste and sacred through My (Akaalpurakh's) kudos." (26)
"I am your friend and well wisher at all places and in all situations, and I am your refuge;
I am there to support you, and I am your avid fan." (27)
"Anyone who would try to elevate your name and make you famous,
He would, in fact, be approbating Me with his heart and soul." (28)
Then, kindly show me Your Limitless Entity,
And, thus make my difficult resolves and situations eased up. (29)
"You should come to this world and act like a guide and captain,
Because this world is not worth even a grain of barley without Me, the Akaalpurakh." (30)
"In reality, when I am your guide and steer,
Then, you should traverse the journey of this world with your own feet." (31)
"Whomsoever I like and I show him the direction in this world,
Then, for his sake, I bring elation and happiness in his heart." (32)
"Whomsoever I will misdirect and put him on a wrong track out of My indignation for him,
He will not be able to reach Me, the Akaalpurakh, in spite of your advice and counsel." (33)
This world is being misdirected and strayed without me,
My sorcery has become the sorcerer himself. (34)
My charms and spells bring the dead back alive,
And, those who are living (in sin) kill them. (35)
My charms transform the 'fire' into ordinary water,
And, with the ordinary water, they extinguish and cool off the fires. (36)
My charms do whatever they like;
And, they mystify with their spell all material and non-material things. (37)
Please divert their path in my direction,
So that they can adopt and acquisition my words and message. (38)
They do not go for any spells except My meditation,
And, they do not move in any direction other than towards My door. (39)
Because they have been spared of the Hades,
Otherwise, they would fall with their hands tied down. (40)
This whole world, from one end to the other,
Is relaying the message that this world is cruel and corrupt. (41)
They do not realize any grief or happiness because of me,
And, without me, they all are confused and perplexed. (42)
They congregate and from the stars
They count the number of days of sorrow and happiness. (43)
Then they pen down their good and not-so-good fortunes in their horoscopes,
And say, sometimes before and other times afterwards, as: (44)
They are not firm and consistent in their meditation chores,
And, they talk and project themselves like confused and perplexed persons. (45)
Divert their attention and face towards My meditation
So that they will not consider anything other than discourses about Me as their friend. (46)
So that I could set their worldly tasks on the right path,
And, I could improve and refine their inclinations and tendencies with the divine glow. (47)
I have created you for this purpose
So that you should be the leader to steer the whole world towrads the right path. (48)
You should dispel the love for dualism from their hearts and minds,
And, you should direct them towards the true path. (49)
The Guru (Nanak) said, "How can I be so capable of this stupendous task
That I should be able to divert the minds of everyone towards the true path." (50)
The Guru said, "I am no where near such a miracle,
I am lowly without any virtues compared to the grandiose and exquisiteness of the form of Akaalpurakh." (51)
"However, Your command is entirely acceptable to my heart and soul,
And, I shall not be negligent of Your order even for a moment." (52)
Only you are the guide to lead the people to the right path, and you are the mentor for all;
You are the one who can lead the way and who can mold the minds of all people to your way of thinking. (53)