If the Lord is realized by flying in the sky and by closing the eyes in meditation, then the birds fly in the sky and those who close their eyes in meditation are considered like crane, cat and wolf.
All the Knowers of Brahman know the reality of these imposters, but I have not related it never bring in your mind such deceitful thoughts even by mistake. 2.72.
He who lives on the earth should be called the young one of white ant and those who fly in the sky may be called sparrows.
They, who eat fruit may be called the young ones of monkeys, those who wander invisibly, may be considered as ghosts.
One, who swims on water is called water-fly by the world one, who eats fire, may be considered like Chakor (redlegged partridge).
One who worships the sun, may be symbolized as lotus and one, who worships the moon may be recognized as water-lily (The lotus blooms on seeing the sun and the water-lily blossoms on seeing the moon). 3.73.
If the Name of the Lord is Narayana (One whose house is in water), then Kachh (tortoise incarnation), Machh (fish incarnation) and Tandooaa (octopus) will be called Naryana and if the Name of the Lord is Kaul-Naabh (Navel-lotus), then the tank in which th
If the Name of the Lord is Gopi Nath, then the Lord of Gopi is a cowherd if the Name of the Lord is GOPAL, the Sustainer of cows, then all the cowherds are Dhencharis (the Graziers of cows) if the Name of the Lord is Rikhikes, then there are several chief
If the Name of Lord is Madhva, then the black bee is also called Madhva if the Name of the Lord is Kanhaya, then the spider is also called Kanhaya if the Name of he Lord is the "Slayer of Kansa," then the messenger of Yama, who slayed Kansa, may be called
The foolish people wail and weep. But do not know the profound secret, therefore they do not worship Him, who protects our life. 4.74.
The Sustainer and Destroyer of the Universe is Benevolent towards the poor, tortures the enemies, preserves ever and is without the snare of death.
The Yogis, hermits with matted locks, true donors and great celibates, for a Sight of Him, endure hunger and thirst on their bodies.
For a Sight of Him, the intestines are purged, offerings are made to water, fire and air, austerities are performed with face upside down and standing on a single foot.
The men, Sheshanaga, gods and demons have not been able to know His Secret and the Vedas and Katebs (Semitic Scriptures) speak of Him as “Neti, Neti” (Not this, Not this) and Infinite. 5.75.
If the Lord is realized by devotional dancing, then the peacocks dance with the thundering of the clouds and if the Lord gets pleased on seeing the devotion through friendliness, then the lightning performs it by various flashes.
If the Lord meets by adopting coolness and serenity, then there is none cooler than the moon if the Lord meets by the endurance of heat, then none is hotter than the sun, and if the Lord is realized by the munificence, then none is more munificent than In
If the Lord is realised by the practice of austerities, then none is more austere than god Shiva if the Lord meets by the recitation of Vedas, then none is more conversant with the Vedas than the god Brahma: there is also no great performer of asceticism
The persons without the Knowledge of the Lord, entrapped in the snare of death always transmigrate in all the four ages. 6.76.
There was one Shiva, who passed away and another one came into being there are many incarnations of Ramchandra and Krishna.
There are many Brahmas and Vishnus, there are many Vedas and Puranas, there have been the authors of all the Smritis, who created their works and passed away.