He is the god of gods and god of Supreme gods, He is Transcendent, Indiscriminate, Non-dual and Immortal Lord. 10.262.;
He is without the impact of maya, He is adept and Transcendent Lord; He is obedient to his servant and is the chopper of the snare of Yama (god of death).
He is the god of gods and the Lord-God of the Supreme gods, He is Enjoyer of the earth and the Provider of the great power.;
He is the king of kings and the decoration of the supreme decorations, He is the Supreme Yogi of the yogis wearing the bark of trees.;
He is the fulfiller of desire and remover of vicious intellect; He is the comrade of perfection and the destroyer of bad conduct.11.263.
Awadh is like milk and the town of Chhatraner is like buttermilk; the banks of Yamuna are beautiful like the brilliance of the moon.
The country of rum is like the beautiful Hansani (damsel), the town of Husainabad is like a diamond; the winsome current of the Ganges make the seven seas diffident.
Palayugarh is like mercury and Rampur is like siver; Surangabad is like nitre (swinging elegantly).
Kot Chanderi is like Champa flower (Michelia Champacca), Chandagarh is like moonlight, but Thy Glory, O Lord! is like the beautiful flower of Malti (a creeper). 12.264.;
The places like Kaiilash, Kumayun and Kashipur are clear like crystal, and Surangabad looks graceful like glass.;
Himalaya bewitches the mind with whiteness of snow, Halbaner like milkyway and Hajipur like swan.;
Champawati looks like sandalwood, Chandragiri like moon and Chandagarh town like moonlight.;
Gangadhar (Gandhar) seems like the Ganges and Bulandabad like a crane; all of them are the symbols of the splendour of Thy Praise.13.265.
The Persians and the residents of Firangistan and France, people of two different colours and the Mridangis (inhabitants) of Makran sing the songs of Thy Praise.
The people of Bhakkhar, Kandhar, Gakkhar and Arabia and others living only on air remember Thy Name.
At all the places including Palayu in the East, Kamrup and Kumayun, wherever we go, Thou art there.
Thou art perfectly Glorious, without any impact of Yantras and mantras, O Lord! The limits of Thy Praise cannot be known.14.266.
He is Non-dual, Indestructible, and hath Steady Seat.!
He is Non-dual, Endless and of Immeasurable (Unweighable) Praise