He is Unassailable Entity and Unmanifested Lord,!
He is the Motivator of gods and destroyer of all. 1. 267;
He is the Sovereign here, there, everywhere; He blossoms in forests and blades of grass.!
Like the Splendour of the spring He is scattered here and there
He, the Infinite and Supreme Lord is within the forest, blade of grass, bird and deer. !
He blossoms here, there and everywhere, the Beautiful and All-Knowing. 2. 268
The peacocks are delighted to see the blossoming flowers. !
With bowed heads they are accepting the impact of Cupid
O Sustainer and Merciful Lord! Thy Nature is Marvellous, !
O the Treasure of Mercy, Perfect and Gracious Lord! 3. 269
Wherever I see, I feel Thy Touch there, O Motivator of gods.!
Thy Unlimited Glory is bewitching the mind
Thou art devoid of anger, O Treasure of Mercy! Thou blossomest here, there and everywhere, !
O Beautiful and All-Knowing Lord! 4. 270
Thou art the king of forests and blades of grass, O Supreme Lorrd of waters and land! !
O the Treasure of Mercy, I feel Thy touch everywhere
The Light is glittering, O perfectly Glorious Lord!!
The Heaven and Earth are repeating Thy Name. 5. 271
In all the seven Heavens and seven nether-worlds !
His net of karmas (actions) is invisibly spread.