O mind, grasp the Support of the Holy Saint; give up your clever arguments.
One who has the Guru's Teachings within his mind, O Nanak, has good destiny inscribed upon his forehead. ||1||
SASSA: I have now entered Your Sanctuary, Lord;
I am so tired of reciting the Shaastras, the Simritees and the Vedas.
I searched and searched and searched, and now I have come to realize,
that without meditating on the Lord, there is no emancipation.
With each and every breath, I make mistakes.
You are All-powerful, endless and infinite.
I seek Your Sanctuary - please save me, Merciful Lord!
Nanak is Your child, O Lord of the World. ||48||
When selfishness and conceit are erased, peace comes, and the mind and body are healed.
O Nanak, then He comes to be seen - the One who is worthy of praise. ||1||
KHAKHA: Praise and extol Him on High,
who fills the empty to over-flowing in an instant.
When the mortal being becomes totally humble,
then he meditates night and day on God, the Detached Lord of Nirvaanaa.