Akal Ustat

(Page: 14)

ਜਪੋ ਹਰੀ ॥੧੨॥੬੨॥
japo haree |12|62|

Repeat the Name of the lord! 12. 62.

ਜਲਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
jalas tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the water!

ਥਲਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
thalas tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the dry land!

ਨਦਿਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
nadis tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the stream!

ਨਦਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥੧੩॥੬੩॥
nadas tuheen |13|63|

(Lord,) You are the ocean!

ਬ੍ਰਿਛਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
brichhas tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the tree!

ਪਤਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
patas tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the leaf!

ਛਿਤਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
chhitas tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the earth!

ਉਰਧਸ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥੧੪॥੬੪॥
auradhas tuheen |14|64|

(Lord,) You are the sky! 14. 64.

ਭਜਸ ਤੁਅੰ ॥
bhajas tuan |

(Lord,) I meditate on you!

ਭਜਸ ਤੁਅੰ ॥
bhajas tuan |

(Lord,) I meditate on you!

ਰਟਸ ਤੁਅੰ ॥
rattas tuan |

(Lord,) I repeat Your Name!

ਠਟਸ ਤੁਅੰ ॥੧੫॥੬੫॥
tthattas tuan |15|65|

(Lord,) I intuitively remember you! 15. 65.

ਜਿਮੀ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
jimee tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the earth!

ਜਮਾ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
jamaa tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the sky!

ਮਕੀ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
makee tuheen |

(Lord,) You are the Landlord!

ਮਕਾ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥੧੬॥੬੬॥
makaa tuheen |16|66|

(Lord,) You are the house itself! 16. 66.

ਅਭੂ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
abhoo tuheen |

(Lord,) You are birthless!

ਅਭੈ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
abhai tuheen |

(Lord,) You are Fearless!

ਅਛੂ ਤੁਹੀਂ ॥
achhoo tuheen |

(Lord,) You are Untouchable!