Thou art That whose bodily limb hath never been stung by the serpent of death!
Who is Unassailable Entity and Who is Indestructible and Imperishable!
Whom the Vedas call ‘Neti Neti’ (Not this not this) and infinite!
Whom the Semitic Scriptures call Incompre-hensible! 7. 127
Whose Form is Unknowable and Whose Seat is stable!
Whose light is unlimited and who is Invincible and Unweighable!
For Whose meditation and sight infinite sages !
Perform hard Yoga Practices for many kalpas (ages)! 8. 128
For Thy realization they endure cold heat and rain on their body!
For many ages they remain in the same posture!
They make many efforts and ruminate over the learning of Yoga!
They practice Yoga but still they cannot know Thy end! 9. 129
Many wander in several countries with raised arms!
Many burn their bodies upside down!
Many recite Smritis Shastras and Vedas!
Many go through Kok Shastras (pertaining to sex) other poetry books and Semitic Scriptures! 10. 130
Many perform havan (fire-worship) and many subsist on air!
Many a million eat clay!
May people eat green leaves!
Still the Lord does not manifest Himself to them! 11. 131