His Glory is spread in all places here and there.
All the being and creatures know Him. O foolish mind!
Why dost thou not remember Him? 3.233.
Many fools worship the leaves (of Tulsi plant). !
Many adepts and saints adore the Sun.
Many prostrate towards the west (opposite side of sunrise)!
They consider the Lord as dual, who is actually one!4. 234
His Glory is Unassailable and His illumination is devoid of fear!
He is Infinite Donor, Non-dual and Indestructible
He is an Entity devoid of all ailments and sorrows!
He is Fearless, Immortal and Invincible Entity!5. 235
He is treasure of sympathy and perfectly Merciful!
He the Donor and Merciful Lord removes all sufferings and blemishes
He is without the impact of maya and is an Infrangible!
Lord, His Glory pervades in water and on land and is the companion of all!6. 236
He is without caste, lineage, contrast and illusion,!
He is without colour, form and special religious discipline
For Him the enemies and friends are the same!
His invincible form is Everlasting and Infinite!7. 237
His form and mark cannot be known!