No one of perfect wisdom could know His Limits! 16. 156
His is the Invincible Entity and His Glory is Unpunishable!
All the Vedas and Puranas hail Him!
The Vedas and Katebs (Semitic Scriptures) call Him Infinite!
The Gross and Subtle both could not know His Secret! 17. 157
The Vedas Puranas and Katebs pray to Him!
The son of ocean ie moon with face upside down performs austerities for His realization!
He performs austerities for many kalpas (ages) !
Still the Merciful Lord is not realized by him even for a short while! 18. 158
Those who forsake all the fake religions !
And meditate on the Merciful Lord single-mindedly !
They ferry across this dreadful world-ocean !
And never come again in human body even by mistake! 19. 159
Without One Lord’s Name one cannot be saved even by millions of fasts!
The Superb Shrutis (of the Vedas) declare thus!
Those who are absorbed with the ambrosia of the Name even by Mistake !
They will not be entrapped in he snare of death! 20. 160
The Primal Lord is Eternal, He may be comprehended as the breaker of the Unbreakable.
He is ever both Gross and Subtle, He assails the Unassailable.