He always Sustains the Lowly, protects the saints and destroys the enemies.
At all times he Sustains all, animals, birds, mountains (or trees), serpents and men (kings of men).
He Sustains in an instant all the beings living in water and on land and doth not ponder over their actions.
The Merciful Lord of the Lowly and the treasure of Mercy sees their blemishes, but doth not fail in His Bounty. 1.243.
He burns the sufferings and blemishes and in an instant mashes the forces of the vicious people.
He even destroys them who are mighty and Glorious and assail the unassailable and responds the devotion of perfect love.
Even Vishnu cannot know His end and the Vedas and Katebs (Semitic Scriptures) call Him Indiscriminate.
The Provider-Lord always sees our secrets, even then in anger He doth not stop His munificence.2.244.
He Created in the past, creates in the present and shall create in the future the beings including insects, moths, deer and snakes.
The goods and demons have been consumed in ego, but could not know the mystery of the Lord, being engrossed in delusion.
The Vedas, Puranas, Katebs and the Quran have tired of giving His account, but the Lord could not be comprehended.
Without the impact of perfect love, who hath realized Lord-God with grace? 3.245.
The Primal, Infinite, Unfathomable Lord is without malice and is fearless in the past, present and future.
He is endless, Himself Selfless, stainless, blemishless, flawless and invincible.
He is the Creator and Destroyer of all in water and on land and also their Sustainer-Lord.
He, the Lord of maya, is Compassionate to the Lowly, source of Mercy and most beautiful.4.246.
He is without lust, anger, greed, attachment, ailment, sorrow, enjoyment and fear.
He is body-less, loving everybody but without worldly attachment, invincible and cannot be held in grasp.
He provides sustenance to all animate and inanimate beings and all those living on the earth and in the sky.
Why dost thou waver, O creature! The beautiful Lord of maya will take care of thee. 5.247.