He operates the weapons, beguiles the sovereigns of the earth having canopies over their heads and mashes the mighty enemies.
He is the Donor of gifts, He causes to enhance the great honour, He is the giver of encouragement for greater effort and is the cutter of the snare of death.
He is the conqueror of war and effacer of the opposition, He is giver of great intellect and the Honour of the illustrious.
He is the knower of the knowledge, the giver-god of he supreme intellect He is the death of death and also the death of the supreme death (Maha Kal).1.253.
The inhabitants of the east could not know Thy end, the people of Hingala and Himalaya mountains remember Thee, residents of Gor and Gardez sing he Praises of Thy Name.
The Yogis perform Yoga, many are absorbed in doing Pranayama and residents of Arabia remember Thy Name.
The people of France and England revere Thee, the inhabitants of Kandhaar and Quraishis know Thee the people of western side recognize their duty towards Thee.
The inhabitants of Maharashtra and Magadha perform austerities with profound affection the residents of Drawar and Tilang countries recognise Thee as the Abode of Dharma.2.254
The Bengalis of Bengal, the Phirangis of Phirangistan and Dilwalis of Delhi are the followers of Thy Command.
The Rohelas of Rohu mountain, the Maghelas of Magadha, the heroic Bangasis of Bangas and the Bundhelas of Bundhelkhand destroy their sins in Thy devotion.
Gorkhas sing Thy Praises, the residents of China and Manchuria bow their heads before Thee and the Tibetans destroy the sufferings of their bodies by remembering Thee.
Those who meditated on Thee, they obtained perfect Glory, they obtained perfect Glory, they prosper greatly with wealth, fruit and flowers in their homes.3.255.
Thou art called Indra among gods, Shiva among the donors and also garbless though he wears the Ganges.
Thou art the brightness in colour, adept in sound and beauty, and not low before anybody, but obedient to the saint.
One cannot know Thy limit, O Infinitely Glorious Lord! Thou art the Giver of all learning, therefore Thou art called Boundless.
The cry of an elephant reaches Thee after some time, but the trumpet of an ant is heard by Thee before it.4.256
There are many Indras, many four-headded Brahmas, many incarnations of Krishna and many called Ram at His Gate.
There are many moons, many signs of Zodiac and many illuminating suns, there are many ascetics, stoics and Yogis consuming their bodies with austerity at His Gate.
There are many Muhammads, many adepts like Vyas, many Kumars (Kubers) and many belonging to high clans and many are called Yakshas.